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Re: Please Pray For My DH🙏

@NicksmomESQ wrote:


@hckynut wrote:

Hi @NicksmomESQ 


Thinking about you and wondering if there is any updated news you want to share with us about your husband.


My best to you and your husband,



hckynut đźŹ’

 @hckynut  Thank you so much for thinking about us. At this point we are waiting for insurance authorization so that we can schedule the MRI.Since DH is claustrophobic the doctor called in a prescription for a sedative.

   His next doctors appointment is on 8/3.Because of Covid I won't be allowed in to the office to hear test results with my husband.I'll have to wait in the car.Needless to say I'm quite annoyed.






Here's a thought, what about when your husband is in the office getting the test results, that he has you on speaker, so that way, you can hear the results too, and ask any questions.



Would that work?

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Re: Please Pray For My DH🙏

Prayer for you and your family...

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Re: Please Pray For My DH🙏

Praying for your husbands full recovery

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Re: Please Pray For My DH🙏

[ Edited ]

Nicksmom,  I know you are scared and worried, that's what we humans feel before we even know what the problem is.  I, along with the other poster's are keeping the faith that he is going to be just fine.  A lot of prayer's are being sent his way, and I am adding mine to the rest of them.  Please take care of yourself, try to think good thoughts.  We're praying.

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
Posts: 68
Registered: ‎05-29-2011

Re: Please Pray For My DH🙏

[ Edited ]

Hello Nicksmom,


I rarely come to the forums, but did today for another reason, and stumbled upon your post.


I had prostate cancer. I had RP (robotic prostatectomy) in April of 2017. So far so good since then, and at this point I remain cancer free.


First of all, there are MANY things that that can cause an elevated PSA, that may not be cancer.


If it is cancer, there are many treatment options. Prostate cancer is generally slow growing, although not always. Also where the disease is located within the prostate, and how much disease is present will factor in. The thing about prostate cancer is that it is very individualized. You can have 10 men with the same PSA and Gleason scores, and you may end up with 10 different treatment options because of what is all taken into consideration for that particular man.


I'd be glad to chat with you more if you'd like. I don't know if there is a way to private message here if you don't want to discuss too much in public.I also know of a very good online support group.


It's scary when this all starts coming your way, and even scarier if you get a confirmed diagnosis, but I'd be glad to answer any questions that you and your husband may have.


All the best.

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Re: Please Pray For My DH🙏

Praying for you and your husband. My husband had an elevated psa also, about 9 months ago. They gave him antibiotics to take for a month and it came down. 

I was very nervous also, I understand. 

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Re: Please Pray For My DH🙏

@Julius Seizure   Thank you so much for your generous offer. There is no way to message privately, but I will page you on these boards if I have any questions.

   Right now my DH is scheduled for an MRI on 7/20 & a 4K blood test on 7/21.We see the doctor for results on 8/3. So I may be reaching out to you after that.

    Thank you, again.

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Registered: ‎07-02-2014

Re: Please Pray For My DH🙏

.  Don't panic !  My husband has had many high PSA tests, MRI's and even biopsies and the biopsies have always been negative. Please try to keep calm. As a breast cancer survivor when you actually get that cancer diagnosis the anxiety and fear is awful for the patient and the spouse. If you are already this  upset you won't be able to actively contribute to assist him with understanding the treatments. My advice is don't look ahead of where you are right now. Deal with one test at a time and take good notes when speaking with the doctor. I'm sure it will all work out for him.

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Re: Please Pray For My DH🙏

Adding your husband and YOU into my prayer list.  Best wishes to both of you.
