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Re: Phone Usage During Medical Tests

I assume they were doing their jobs on those phone calls.  Checking results got other patients, answering questions etc.  Medical personnel in all departs are under staffed so they have to multi task.  They were in the room to monitor you, not to entertain you.  You certainly were not the only patient that were working with that day.  

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Re: Phone Usage During Medical Tests

A few years ago, my now 71 year old primary care physician took three personal calls from her daughter during my physical. The daughter apparently couldn't find something she wanted to wear and kept calling in her frustration. I was so furious that I started looking for a new doctor. Unfortunately, no one in my area was taking on new patients. I'm stuck with her for life I guess. It's not just young people who are physically attached to their phones.

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Re: Phone Usage During Medical Tests

You are all making good points. I've been out of the workforce a long time. However, I knew a woman who owned a bakery and had a difficult time getting employees to hold down phone usage. In her business, frequent interruptions created frequent mistakes. I've never forgotten how she struggled with the situation.

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Re: Phone Usage During Medical Tests

Depending on the test I would have been doing the same thing and I am not the "younger" generation by any means.  Last week, while waiting for curb side groceries I paid bills on my phone.  


They could have been updating file, making notes etc. Maybe it was a work phone?  IDK but if I wanted to talk, I would have and started with wow it must really been important!

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Re: Phone Usage During Medical Tests

[ Edited ]

@RespectLife   Thank you for your thoughts here. Let me also add in that Nurses and Techs are basically who run the shows for all of us and report all this info to our Drs. They do need to be in touch because lots of times they're waiting for an answer on something, sometimes they're in touch with YOUR Dr to ask a question about your test they're doing. Sometimes they need a direction to take in how they may do your test.


Please don't give your Nurses and Techs a bad rap when they're on their phones. 

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Re: Phone Usage During Medical Tests

At medical practices I go to, everything goes onto the computer, even while they are talking to me it is getting in put. They are so good at updating your info that it is available about an hour after I leave. THAT'S what patients expect these days. All these folks are using a computer that also happens to be a phone, just like if they had walked over and sat down at a desk top. 

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Re: Phone Usage During Medical Tests

@Bhvbum   Nailed it on our getting results just that quickly on many tests these days. We appreciate that on our records. Love really being able to read test results prior to seeing our Drs so we can know what they're talking about and we're educated in understanding and ask educated questions. This is so key for us.

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Re: Phone Usage During Medical Tests

I learned to never leave for the hospital without my Kindle.  Be prepared.


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Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: Phone Usage During Medical Tests

@PickyPicky3  We gave up on trying to get our young workers to put down their phones. It's just a losing battle.


I remember the days of trying to hide a magazine or book during the slow periods at work to remain professional and I was at a desk.


I'm not quite sure how wait and kitchen staff make it all happen these days. I never had much time to check a thing when I was a server.   

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Posts: 14,511
Registered: ‎11-03-2018

Re: Phone Usage During Medical Tests

@Laura14 wrote:

@PickyPicky3  We gave up on trying to get our young workers to put down their phones. It's just a losing battle.


I remember the days of trying to hide a magazine or book during the slow periods at work to remain professional and I was at a desk.


I'm not quite sure how wait and kitchen staff make it all happen these days. I never had much time to check a thing when I was a server.   

Are you posting from work?