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Posts: 1,508
Registered: ‎05-22-2010

@kindred cats wrote:

@chlema   Good luck with your procedure.  Hoping for good results. Heart

Thank you.  At this point I am of two thoughts - just lets get it over with, and right now it's trying to keep my anxiety at bay.  The logical me says it's just tests, so calm down.  The other self says easy for you to say!  I know that something is going on be it with the heart or lungs, I'm just hoping it's not too bad a diagnosis.

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Posts: 1,508
Registered: ‎05-22-2010

So the test took 25 minutes & I did fine.  Dr's office called me this morning and said everything was normal.  That is good news, heart is ok.  So now the next step will be to see what actually is causing shortness of breath episodes.  Well, if it ain't one thing it's another lol.