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@mollybgood wrote:

@LilacTree wrote:

@mollybgood wrote:

Which over-the-counter meds do you reach for when pains

are an issue?


For the last few years, I have been using Motrin (IBUPROFEN) for my mild,  pain issues.  I take a baby aspirin every day, but I skip that on the few days I take the other pill.


Be careful with ibuprofen, especially long term.  I was using it for several years and never realized it was giving me high blood pressure.  My doctors knew I was taking eight pills a day for RA pain.  So they put my on HBP meds, which gave me side effects, a nasty cough, and other gastrointestinal issues.  Obviously they never thought to take me off the ibuprofen.


One day I researched all of my meds and read on the Mayo Clinic site that ibuprofen caused HBP.  I went off it immediately, as well as the HBP med.  Within one week my BP returned to normal, actually lower than normal and has stayed at about 117/68 ever since.  When I told the doctors, they just shrugged it off.  And now HBP is on my records and I can't get it off unless I go to court!!  Imagine that!!




I seldom, if ever, have had to take more than one (200 mg) pill in a

24-hour period.  I seldom need more than one pain pill of any type

over a 24-hour period.


My post here is wrong.  (I corrected it, but it was after this response.)  I actually took four pills a day, not eight, at 2 mg each, making 8 mg per day.  Doctors knew this.


I rather doubt one 2 mg pill a day will harm you.  However, I still think you should keep a check on your blood pressure if you've been taking it every day for a long time.


Ibuprofen is the best OTC for killing pain though, I surely agree.  Tylenol does nothing for me (it's good for fevers, which I never get, which is not good because it means my body never fights). 


These days I take one Aleve when the pain is really bad.  It helps marginally.  However, I will not ever take prescription pain killers/opiods.



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I used to take Aleve to ease the pain in my leg caused by a muscle injury that occurs from time to time.....I was concerned about possible kidney damage with what has been on the news lately regarding Aleve, Advil, and ibuprofen......I checked with my doctor and said I could take Aleve occasionally if the pain was bad.......which is what I do, but I went back to good old fashioned aspirin.....but the thing my doctor said about aspirin is to make sure you take it with LOTS and LOTS of water or it could cause stomach issues......


Like many of you have said Tylenol does absolutely NOTHING for me...I might as well take Sweet least they taste good......


Oh and one thing, if you are taking "natural remedies" be careful some of those can interact with prescribe medications and cause issues, and/or cause your blood pressure to increase or get too low......

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@151949 wrote:

NSAID - Advil - Motrin - Ibuprofin all can and frequently do cause organ failure. I can't tell you how many patients I have done dialysis on that had failed kidneys due to long term use of this drug. It can also cause stomach bleeding, and frequently does. 

Over the counter pain med are for occasional use only, not daily pain relief from things like arthritis.You should discuss your need for daily pain meds with your doctor. 

BTW - Tylenol used cronically - esp. in high doses causes liver failure.Personally, I take 1 tylenol timed release a day for my arthritis & my doctor knows about it and monitors my liver with blood work.It is a very bad idea to take those extra strength tylenol products sold in the drug store OTC. 



Hi Everybody -


Motrin, Advil, ibuprofin - - - Same thing, different name.


I'm adding to put it simply and just to remind you all, that NSAIDS are a family of drugs designed to decrease inflammation.  What's missing on most prescription inserts is information relevant to an NSAID's effects on organs.  Oh, yes, it will mention cardio issues, but nothing relevant to organ failure.


I know this, because I took Mobic for 12 years for moderate to severe chronic migraine.  It worked 80-90% of the time to decrease my migraine pain.  This was terrific.  What wasn't terrific was all that time, it was doing a number on my kidneys.  I'm now in kidney failure. 


Just know this:  If you take an NSAID daily or even every other day, it would be highly advisable for you to have a very serious talk with your PCP and to make sure that every 6 months appropriate labs are run.  Don't let your doc be flippant about this like my new PCP, who says that nearly all people my age have the same eGFR as I do.  He's full of it and I know it.  A swift look at the National Kidney Foundation table for age appropriate eGFRs provides an answer.  This guy needs to go back to medical school.  (BTW, I'm going to fire him at the end of April, as I've a new PCP in May.)

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@sfnative  Not just the Ibuprofin ones - though they are the most commonly used ones - all the NSAID can cause organ failure. This is WHY you need to be discussing their use with your doctor.

While we are discussing this I would also like to add that the drugs you take for indigestion - like prilosec, zantac etc can also cause organ failure and other bad side effects. If you desparately need these drugs your doctor needs to know he has to monitor your blood work.

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I take a blood thinner and heart medication so I'm only cleared for Tylenol. When I have any kind of pain I usually apply heat or cold packs and that works for me so far.

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@151949 wrote:

@sfnative  Not just the Ibuprofin ones - though they are the most commonly used ones - all the NSAID can cause organ failure. This is WHY you need to be discussing their use with your doctor.

While we are discussing this I would also like to add that the drugs you take for indigestion - like prilosec, zantac etc can also cause organ failure and other bad side effects. If you desparately need these drugs your doctor needs to know he has to monitor your blood work.

@151949   Well said.


Hi Everyone,


Please know that we're not just tossing around words here.  There are many OTC drugs that, frankly, have no business being OTC, because appropriate cautions do not exist on the packaging, nor do PCPs generally do an adequate job of cautioning and educating their patients.


When I took pharmacology, Motrin was just about to be released for OTC purchase.  My professor stated at the time that she felt this a very unwise move. Additionally, she stated that if the idea of submitting aspirin as an NDA, New Drug Application, to the FDA, it would never have been approved for OTC purchase due to the long list of rather serious side effects.