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Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Obesity: The Post Mortem (the film)

It’s a lot more than sugar making someone this morbidly obese.

Lots & lots of fat is reason someone gets this film shows.

Really any of the weight-loss shows airing on TV will show the

patients continually eating a high fat diet thorough the day.

Easy to do since fat has more calories per gram. 


Esteemed Contributor
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Re: Obesity: The Post Mortem (the film)



Watched it....very sad is my reaction to it.  I wanted to know more about her as a person not just the "fat" "disease" aspect.  


I also had to look away on some parts....the 1st cutting open and that awful rib/bone cutting tool!  I have watched yrs back a few time that autopsy show...don't think it's on air anymore....could only watch that a few times.


I wonder if things like this truly can have impact on people....what I am saying is smoking is very well known for many decades to be a killer yet people still smoke.  I have a niece who is type 1 diabetic and she smokes and drinks!  I think lot's of people believe it won't happen to me....that only happens to others mind set.


Didn't know there was such a thing as Vegan junk food.




Potato chips are vegan...

A lot of chips are but not all.  Trust me, I have "researched" this carefully!  Oreos are also vegan.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 19,595
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Obesity: The Post Mortem (the film)


It’s a lot more than sugar making someone this morbidly obese.

Lots & lots of fat is reason someone gets this film shows.

Really any of the weight-loss shows airing on TV will show the

patients continually eating a high fat diet thorough the day.

Easy to do since fat has more calories per gram. 


Eating fat does not make someone fat, many super thin people eat a high fat diet.  My father was one of them as is my husband and his whole family.  They make everything with lard...grosses me out.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 18,415
Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Obesity: The Post Mortem (the film)



It’s a lot more than sugar making someone this morbidly obese.

Lots & lots of fat is reason someone gets this film shows.

Really any of the weight-loss shows airing on TV will show the

patients continually eating a high fat diet thorough the day.

Easy to do since fat has more calories per gram. 


Eating fat does not make someone fat, many super thin people eat a high fat diet.  My father was one of them as is my husband and his whole family.  They make everything with lard...grosses me out.

And that’s when I talk about stories of Bob Harper & my slim/trim friend who both ended up with life-alternating heart disease.  Both these examples are eating high % of fatty products & sat fat....key is, it’s a very unsustainable way of eating.  You can eat 1500 calories of lard, but that’s not going to take one very far.


Either way, eating a high fat diet, whether thin or obese, will end up with major heart disease, fatty livers & kidneys in the long run.  The arteries always tell the story.  This documentary proves what things look like on the inside. 

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Posts: 18,415
Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Obesity: The Post Mortem (the film)




Watched it....very sad is my reaction to it.  I wanted to know more about her as a person not just the "fat" "disease" aspect.  


I also had to look away on some parts....the 1st cutting open and that awful rib/bone cutting tool!  I have watched yrs back a few time that autopsy show...don't think it's on air anymore....could only watch that a few times.


I wonder if things like this truly can have impact on people....what I am saying is smoking is very well known for many decades to be a killer yet people still smoke.  I have a niece who is type 1 diabetic and she smokes and drinks!  I think lot's of people believe it won't happen to me....that only happens to others mind set.


Didn't know there was such a thing as Vegan junk food.

Potato chips are vegan...

A lot of chips are but not all.  Trust me, I have "researched" this carefully!  Oreos are also vegan.

And Coke, I believe!

And also pouring copious amounts of oils on your food is also vegan. 

Both examples not healthy.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 19,595
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Obesity: The Post Mortem (the film)




It’s a lot more than sugar making someone this morbidly obese.

Lots & lots of fat is reason someone gets this film shows.

Really any of the weight-loss shows airing on TV will show the

patients continually eating a high fat diet thorough the day.

Easy to do since fat has more calories per gram. 


Eating fat does not make someone fat, many super thin people eat a high fat diet.  My father was one of them as is my husband and his whole family.  They make everything with lard...grosses me out.

And that’s when I talk about stories of Bob Harper & my slim/trim friend who both ended up with life-alternating heart disease.  Both these examples are eating high % of fatty products & sat fat....key is, it’s a very unsustainable way of eating.  You can eat 1500 calories of lard, but that’s not going to take one very far.


Either way, eating a high fat diet, whether thin or obese, will end up with major heart disease, fatty livers & kidneys in the long run.  The arteries always tell the story.  This documentary proves what things look like on the inside. 

 Eating a balanced diet is the way to be healthy.  No one can be healthy without a varied diet.  My father lived to be almost 86.  He never weighed more than 140 lbs and his heart was perfect...he took no meds in his entire life.


He died from respiratory problems..he had a hole in his lung that couldn’t be repaired, most likely caused from steel making chemicals from a job he had to quit HS to take after his father died. He had 12 people to support by himself at the age of 18. His youngest sister was only 6 months old.


Also, all heart disease is not cause by our diets.  There are many factors to weigh in on.


I agree that a high fat diet is not the healthiest for most people, but people who eat “ no fat” or “ low fat” die from heart disease too.

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Posts: 12,295
Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Re: Obesity: The Post Mortem (the film)

@sidsmom  Thanks Sids....I'm off to watch and I'm glad I've already had my rice and beans!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 18,415
Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Obesity: The Post Mortem (the film)


@sidsmom  Thanks Sids....I'm off to watch and I'm glad I've already had my rice and beans!


It’s very clinical...hope you don’t have nightmares! Ha.

Report back.  I’m curious what you glean from it!

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,767
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Obesity: The Post Mortem (the film)

thanks @sidsmom for posting this video.  I just viewed it and was struck by the irony of the obese doctor.


I do thank the donor and her family for allowing us to learn more about what obesity can do to a body.

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
Honored Contributor
Posts: 12,295
Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Re: Obesity: The Post Mortem (the film)

[ Edited ]

@sidsmom  Interesting....I can't watch nature shows where beasties stalk and consume their prey, but I was totally amazed by the post mortem process.  It helped to make the connection between the consumption of oil/fat and the reality of the consequences.  The neon yellow barrier of fat surrounding her belly was oozing grease and permeated all of the visceral.  Big difference watching Robbie/Cyrus show diagrams (very informative/descriptive) and literally seeing the real consequences of fat in an actual liver/kidney.  It may have been even more dramatic if they had shown/compared another post mortem on an "average" corpse with nonfatty organs.


We really need to be educating our children on the consequences of their food choices...a film like this ought to be incorporated into a comprehensive program on the results of lifestyle choices in the life of our high school students. But since that most likely won't happen, I think the best we can do is be responsible in our daily decisions and perhaps influence our children, family, friends as role models.  

Terrific film...thanks!