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I have hip bursitis and general musle aches around the area.  Been seeing a chiro and had accupuncture which helped.  Wondered if taking turmeric for inflammation would help.  

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You'll get a zillion different answers - it works for some and not others.  I have taken a few different forms and dosages of it - with black pepper, with ginger,  curcumin etc.  None really worked for me.

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@bargainsgirl wrote:

I have hip bursitis and general musle aches around the area.  Been seeing a chiro and had accupuncture which helped.  Wondered if taking turmeric for inflammation would help.  

you might get more advice if you edit your post you mean turmeric.....

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If you're going to take a turmeric supp, make sure it contains all curcuminoid extract (standardized to 95% purity) plus black pepper to make it absorb in the gut. Read the label very carefully b/c many of them contain 'blends' or 'blended with'  the extract which is usually added straight up turmeric root powder (the spice you eat) and that brings the price way down. Curcumin extract (or turmeric extract) is generally an expensive ingredient. It is the bioavailable component part of turmeric root powder which is responsible for providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties in the body. Eating the spice won't do that, however, it is still healthy to consume for other reasons.


ETA - Most recommended dose amounts are usually somewhere around 1500mg per day, divided into two or three separate doses each taken with food.


Here's an example of a typical turmeric supp ingredients which is not all good. Notice it has a blend.




This one below is not a blend and contains all extract (plus the black pepper). This is the type of product to look for:



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One of my friends, a retied MD, swears by it.  She even bought me some and gave me a bunch "recipes".  


I honestly can't say whether it works or not.   


What does work for me is physical therapy, exercise and walking, and the occasional Tylenol.  If I'm inactive - pain is worse.