Posts: 48
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

For 4 years I have had a stomach problem. Doctors can find nothing wrong but I have little appetite and must force myself to eat. Cannot drink Ensure or other supplemental nutritional beverages. Two of the doctors have said that medical marijuana would help but it is illegal here so that is not an option. I don't know what to do --have lost a lot of weight. I would appreciate your suggestions.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

What tests have been done? If you haven't been tested for ovarian cancer insist on it. Don't allow your doctor to refuse. Its symptoms mimic other diseases and too often doctors don't check for it.

Not applicable
Posts: 1
Registered: ‎12-17-2010

I have experienced a similar problem lately as a result of chemotherapy. My doctor prescribed a drug called Marinol 5mg tablets. This drug is a chemical version of THC the active ingredient in marijuana. Because this is a chemical version and not the real thing it is my understanding this is not illegal. I did have to go through some hoops to justify with the insurance, but it was approved and has helped me gain a little weight and maintain it.

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Ask your doc to try Megace...small volume of liquid (about 1 tsp) daily, will take a week or so to start has helped many seriously I'll patients over the years...hope it helps...
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""stomach problem""? Can you be more specific? Are there any foods you like?

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On 4/12/2014 newmarlig1 said:

What tests have been done? If you haven't been tested for ovarian cancer insist on it. Don't allow your doctor to refuse. Its symptoms mimic other diseases and too often doctors don't check for it.

I agree 100%

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

If you have not, get a second opinion. There has to be some reason why you cannot eat.

Are you on any medications that might make you feel this way? I have been on heavy duty meds and they have affected my appetite badly and then started making me very nauseous, such that the sight and smell of food made me ill. I began loosing a lot of weight and it was necessary to take me off the meds.

Best wishes --- I hope you get to the bottom of it!

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
Posts: 48
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Thank you for your answers. The doctors have done many tests--scans, endoscopy, blood tests, adrenal glands,etc. So far, no answers. I do appreciate your time and good wishes.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I've had every test done (even MRI on my brain) and I can't smell or taste hardly anything!

Every now and then I can smell something and taste something. I have to make myself eat too.

I'm far from skinny. However, in the past year I've gone down many sizes. I went from a size 2X to a large.

I hope you are able to find out what the problem is. I would suggest you go to people who specialize in alternative ideas. Not like things you ingest but people who believe in the mind, brain and spirit.

I've encountered people like that and they've been kind and helpful. It is just an idea.

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Registered: ‎12-31-2013

Definitely get a second opinion. I friend of mine's husband had a similar issue, lost tons of weight and it got to the point he could barely drink liquids let alone hold down anything solid. After multiple tests and a couple of doctors they determined he had stage 4 stomach cancer.