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Has anyone had or know someone who has had treatment with this drug?  Was it successful?  Side effects?


The melanoma oncologist is giving this to my hubby starting April 28, every 3 weeks, for 3 months. It is the same drug Jimmy Carter got at age 90, and he is doing great.  


The Doctor was very positive about this drug. He said it got good results, and 90% don't get bad side effects.  It's a drug that boosts the immune system. I think it is only for melanoma now but I'm sure it will be for other cancers as well


The PET scan showed a very small spot in his lung, too small to biopsy and another one in his neck where the original melanoma was. He is quite certain it is melanoma because last PET scan showed an "inflammation". But now that inflammation doubled in size. Still small, though. And the one on his neck is just where the other 3 reoccurrences were.  


He has been battling this for 2 years. Let's hope this is the cure for him and anyone else with this disease.


if anyone can shed some personal experience with this drug, I would love to hear it, even though the doc told us about it and gave us literature. Personal stories are always so encouraging, at least for me anyway.





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I don't know anything about this drug.  I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry your husband has cancer and hope this drug works well for him.

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Thanks so much
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Re: New melanoma drug

[ Edited ]

So sorry you husband is battling this Ditzydori.  I too had melanoma but mine was caught early.  My friend Nora from Isreal sent me this info on this drug since it as devolped in Isreal.  I do hope your husband is cured with this or something else in their tool box.  Just curious have you started him on a alkaline diet?  My SIL started it after her last round of chemo and her numbers are showing NO cancer.  It's almost 2 years in July and this is the longest she has gone cancer free in decades.


She uses Dr. Budwigs protocol drink and gave up meat with a plant based diet.  It's been a miracle.

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@Ditzydori, I believe @ShowMe has been under treatment with the same drug President Carter was treated with and it is working for her, maybe she will check in.


I've had melanoma three times, but it was caught early each time, before it spread through my blood system. First time at 26, last two times after 60. It is good to know there are drugs available for treatment of melanoma. I would not hesitate to try it if necessary.

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Go to Mr. Lucky's thread. ShowMe is indeed on Opdivo (sp) for Grade IV melanoma on her back. She is doing extremely well. Does she have side effects....yes but not as severe as some people. She never lost any hair
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Thanks ladies for your very positive replies.  It's so good to hear success stories.  


We we thought hubby's  melanoma was caught early. It was a beauty mark he had all his life on his jaw. When they removed it, no lymphnods were involved. Clean sweep.  Them boom, it appeared twice and removed twice in the same area with accompanying lymphnods. Now a third nodule appeared, very small, along with the tiny spot in his lung. I just wish this melanoma would just go away.


Losing hair is not one of the expected side effects of this drug, but hubby doesn't have much to lose anyway. Lol. I just hope this drug really works with minimal side effects.


Thanks for the uplift, it's so appreciated.

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Re: New melanoma drug

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Ditzydori.  I was wondering how DH is doing?  I get lots of interesting health news articles on facebook and came across a story about a woman who cured herself (using alternative medicine) of stage 4 melanoma after her doctors gave up.  

I found it interesting and I'm keeping this in case mine comes back.

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Re: New melanoma drug

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😳😳. OMG!!!  Thanks so much for that link. I'm so glad I just happened to go on the forums. I come on here every once and a while. So what a surprise to find your link.


that beautiful girl went to Sloan Kettering in NYC. That is where my hubby is being treated. It's the number 1 cancer center in the country.  She was correct about the alternative medical treatments. They were not available yet in 2011, and, in the beginning, before these drugs were finally approved in 2014, they were very particular about who could receive them (the right gene, or something, like,she stated). That is no longer the case. They are now given to everyone.  (As per the doctor at Sloan). 


I looked up Keytruda on you tube and there are similar videos with people with stage 4 melanoma being ok.  But im thinking this alternative treatment from this video is so much better. Thanks for posting.


one problem, though, when I searched for her website, it said safari could not open it. I'm wondering if the website was taken down. Do you have any other links to share with me about the stuff she was speaking about that cured her. Of course I had no idea what any of it was.  Thanks for any help you can provide.


DH had the first treatment and it went ok. Lots of fatigue and achyness for,about 2 days. Then ok. He goes back next week for another treatment.


once again, thanks so much for posting this and I hope you see my reply. God Bless You!!