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Posts: 41,676
Registered: ‎08-23-2010

@4kitties wrote:

I cannot take ibuprofen.  I took it for 4 days after a dental procedure and it triggered a severe acid reflux condition.  It took about 4 months to get my stomach straightened around.  

I will NEVER take it again for any reason.  Be very cautious with these DERN NSAIDES!



Yikes!   Funny how something can work very well for one person and another has the kind of reaction you had.  Glad it is over.  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,958
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Interesting thread. DH and I went for our scheduled 6 month check up yesterday, and our doctor told me to stop all pain meds except Tylenol and rub ons.


My blood work revealed "low iron", and our doctor was concerned about internal bleeding. I have to take a second blood test in a month.