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Re: Need help selecting Probiotic

I have been taking Culturelle for a few years now and honestly, I can tell the difference in my overall health.

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Re: Need help selecting Probiotic

Natrin's Healthy Trinity. Pricy, but very good. It must be kept refrigerated. Also do not take it with tap water. Take it with bottled water. Something in tap water "deactivates" for lack of a better word the probiotic. You can order it online or I get it from The Vitamin Shoppe.

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Re: Need help selecting Probiotic

My hubby takes generic Acidophilus - it has helped him tremendously with out of control diarrhea. And it's cheap.

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Re: Need help selecting Probiotic

You should probably consult a physician who is familiar with your condition. Different strains are useful for different issues. A good nutritionist who works with an integrative physician could be very helpful.

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Re: Need help selecting Probiotic

I cannot take them. They make me very gassy and I'm constantly in the BR

I can only eat yogurt daily. (or Activia)

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Re: Need help selecting Probiotic

I take Phillips Colon Health and it's helped me tremendously with my stomach issues. Hope you find something that works for you.

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Re: Need help selecting Probiotic

I did read that people with gastoparesis have an easier time digesting pureed foods.That would include pureed meats,fruits,vegetables and smoothies. Protein drinks,cottage cheese and ricotta.I don't know if you were familiar with that, hope it helps.

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Re: Need help selecting Probiotic

I bought one (sorry I cannot remember the brand) and I was in the bathroom constantly. However, the package specifically said this could happen but should go away after 14 days when your body adjusts. I couldn't make it the full 14 days.

I switched to Andrew Lessman's Ultimate Friendly Flora and did not have that issue. I've noticed a big difference too.