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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: My new diet has solved many problems but created some new issues

On 7/29/2014 sidsmom said:
On 7/29/2014 lolakimono said:
On 7/28/2014 straykatz said:

Did you have to eliminate all veggies or just certain ones?

See post #6.

OP replied that she eliminated nightshade veggies.

I was like straykatz...I wondered the same thing. I understood nightshades are being eliminated, but if starch/carbs are desired, why not a sweet potato? Not a nightshade. And rice? Both are not nightshades, super filling & guaranteed to satisfy the cravings!

OP here- I do eat rice, I love rice many different varieties. I do not like potatoes of any sort, baked, chips, french fries (yeah, I know) I have NEVER been a potato eater. It is my raw crunchy vegetables I miss and home-made tomato sauce...yumm. I think it is that I am feeling angry that some of my favorite foods (and HEALTHY foods) are the cause of so much pain and discomfort.

So as a result I have been baking gluten free desserts. Which is so out of the norm for me as I rarely bake for us and NOT in July. I also know GF baked goods are high in carbs and low in fiber--so not good. I need to get past this phase I guess.

My dietician and I had a long talk. It was helpful but a great take-away the body craving are NOT a sign of what you need or what you are deficient in or it would be like saying an addict needs drugs to be healthy.

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Posts: 3,537
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: My new diet has solved many problems but created some new issues

On 7/29/2014 suzeecat said:

Can you eat almonds? I find that crunching a (small) handful of almonds can help eliminate my ""crunch"" cravings and also sweet cravings.

Yes I can. I eat A LOT of nuts a day. Love nuts especially cashews.