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My medical office is becoming like my car mechanic

You go in for regular maintenance and they always find something wrong they want you to spend more money for.


Did my annual physical earlier this week and they found a microscopic item that they needed to hunt me down and demand a response to.   


I look at my history for that particular test and while I had nothing last year, three years ago, I had the same finding at double what I showed this week and not one person from the office ever said boo to me.


Not expecting to hear back again since I pointed that out but I have decided this year, I am done draining my HSA for nonsense.  I'm still young enough to take the chance. 


Can't wait for the mammogram on Monday.  They are the ones who love to call me back and drain my HSA along with my emotional well being all to end up with "we're not sure but it's probably nothing." 


I already have my pen ready to write on the intake form "NOT coming back so make sure my breasts smile wide for your cameras."   











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Re: My medical office is becoming like my car mechanic

Boy is that the truth!  We have been finding this out big time.  Our doctor group recently aligned with a bigger health care group and all of a sudden everything is a red flag and needs more investigating.


We've gone from "Well, it might be a little elevated" to calls and MORE scheduled tests for the same issues.  


Yes, it's about all the $$ they can squeeze your insurance for now!  

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Re: My medical office is becoming like my car mechanic

Thought you might be too young for a mammogram?


Tests should be done for a reason, not just because.

If all your labwork is good, you feel OK and don't have a family history, I would probably skip, too.


If you do have something showing up in labwork, which you never saw before, you can always have the test re-run.    


Don't ignore your health.   

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Re: My medical office is becoming like my car mechanic

[ Edited ]

@Sooner  Glad I am not the only one!  It's just been rampant these past few years.


@software  No, too young for what the microscopic finding may very rarely indicate.  Completely separate test from the mammography. 


And I totally agree with being proactive but after two years of expense and just plain emotional exhaustion over multiple tests that turn out without even a definitive answer at the end, I'm done for a bit.  

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Re: My medical office is becoming like my car mechanic

Around here it the dentists who do this all the time. Go in with no problem and then leave with a list adding up to $4000. The dentist told be I have an abscess in the bone that will have to be drained etc - of course it will require a new bridge - nothing ever happens unless they take out some expensive piece of dental work. Anyway, did not order me any antibiotics. I have no sign of any infection - no pain , no swelling, nothing! So - I had to see my doctor because my CPAP was broken and while there I told him about this "abscess". He was skeptical. Ordered a WBC to be done - if i don't have elevated white count I don't have an infected abscess. BTW - my dental insurance has already denied coverage for this without further proof it needs to be done. One good thing about dental insurance is - they don't pay unless they are sure something needs to be done.

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Re: My medical office is becoming like my car mechanic

There's definitely a big financial motive. Anyone who doesn't believe that is just naive. It's legal too, they all seem to live in fear of that more than anything. I learned that over the three plus years taking care of my Mother. 


Disclaimer, I'm not saying there aren't still good doctors out there that actually care about people and not just money. Sadly though they are becoming scarce. My Mom had one out of the 7 or 8 different pcps and specialists (maybe even more, I lost count) that she saw. I asked him once how he kept doing the job. Sadly I think he will end up leaving early. The "system " as they call it basically beats the caring and humanity out of doctors.

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Re: My medical office is becoming like my car mechanic

@151949  They are next on my hit list!  Every 6 months I walk in, I realized I have started to get an X-ray every time.  Since when? That can't be good for you I don't care about the protection.


I grew up with and until recently I had an x-ray once every five years for the panoramic and maybe bite wings every other year.  Not once every six months.  That's another expense that's going away too.  

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Re: My medical office is becoming like my car mechanic

[ Edited ]

@Greeneyedlady21  Nailed it. 


I finally said to the mammography people, you can't see.  The technology doesn't exist right now for you to really see.  That's an honest reality answer.  Just say it.


I appreciate the CYA for liability but I can't do the emotional part nor the financial expense of it any longer.   


I swear they are under such pressure from the awareness groups that they forget the other side of putting people through all of it.  

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Re: My medical office is becoming like my car mechanic

I'm sick of it too.  It's to the point where if I have a problem I don't want to say.  I have a small nodule on my thyroid which my PCP says is likely nothing.  But keeps sending me for ultrasounds and biopsies the last 3 years.  And is IS nothing.   I think I may  pass this year.  I also have a small one on my lung.  Unfortunately I mentioned that my Dad had lung cancer so that's the latest thing - get a chest X-Ray, biopsy, etc.  I've never smoked in my life.  My gynecologist retired (second one who did) - I think I'm going to even skip that exam.  Thinking about ditching the mammos too.  I have to see my PCP for my diabetic meds (which I may not even need anymore) but if need be I'll find a new one.  But then it may be worse - starting from scratch and all.  

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Re: My medical office is becoming like my car mechanic

My observation thru the years is the amount of time you actually interact with the doctor. This thread reminds me of the same scenarios at my Vet as well.  It is mind boggling to me how many assistants, nurses, lab techs who I see more of than the actual doctor.  It is the payroll overhead that is sabotaging our bank accounts.  These doctors/vets need to cut some of their overhead & spent more time with the patients which is what we are paying for.  I had my annual eye exam yesterday; was there 1 1/2 hrs & saw the doctor a total of 10 minutes.