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I need a knee replacement. I got a cortizone shot today. He also ordered a knee brace for my instability. I'm going to wait until I retire (June) to even start thinking about. He said 4 months recovery. Yikes. He said it was not an easy operation. Would you ladies be so kind as to share your experiences? Thanks, as always.
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Registered: ‎06-04-2010

Re: My knee is beyond repair

No personal experience, but have watched a friend in her 50's go through 2 in less than a year. She is doing exceptionally well. I know several people who have had them, and have never heard one person say that they wished they hadn't. Best wishes to you!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: My knee is beyond repair

I had my right knee replaced in November, 2012, and the left knee in June, 2013. I had to wait for three years to get other health problems resolved before I could have surgery. I, and everyone else I know who has had this done, have said the same thing----why did we wait so long?

I went to skilled nursery for about a week after being dismissed from the surgical floor, and I found that very helpful in my case. I was able to get PT twice a day, OT once a day, and had a chance to feel better before going home.

Recovery is not easy, and you MUST do the physical therapy in the office and especially at home. If you do not do the physical therapy you may as well not have the replacements. After I came home, I did use pain killers periodically----not so much during the day but more at night so I could sleep well.

After two weeks, I remember that I was surprised how much more I could do in that short period of time. After six months, I didn't even think about my knee replacements, and after a year, the knee was a part of me and it's totally mine.

This is a MAJOR surgery, and check out your doctor to make sure he/she is very proficient in doing this. My doctor was a reconstruction specialist for knees, which means he fixed the knees that other doctors had messed up.

Oh, one other thing----I started some preliminary knee exercises that my doctor had given me before the surgery. I did them for about two weeks before surgery. I'll try to find a site that might have them and post again.

You'll do wonderfully and will join the group of us who say "Why did I wait so long?"

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” St.Teresa of Calcutta
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: My knee is beyond repair

Here are some sites that might be helpful. ***This is from an orthopedic doctor/office*** ***I did #1, 2, 3, 4, and 8*** ***ankle pumps and circles, thigh squeezes, heel slide, leg slides, lying kicks, straight leg raises*** ***for some general information***

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” St.Teresa of Calcutta
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: My knee is beyond repair

Wishing you very good luck! Please post back after and let us know how it went.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,750
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: My knee is beyond repair

I had my knee replaced last summer. Physical therapy came to my house the first 2-3 weeks and then I went to outpatient PT for another 3 weeks. I was off work just 8 weeks....many are able to go back to work after 6 weeks.

My surgeon said it takes a full year to see where your knee will end up but I was doing very well at 8 weeks. It's now been almost 8 months since surgery and I am thankful every day that I had it done.

My knee replacement was so worth that first month.

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Registered: ‎09-23-2010

Re: My knee is beyond repair

I was at a Ortho Dr. Yesterday,he told me I need to lose weight before he would repair my torn meniscus,he did give me another injection,but I know that will not last long. I stopped Penney's on my way home and bought a swimsuit ...going to start water areobics Wednesday morning.
Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: My knee is beyond repair

The title of you post hurts!!. Sorry that you have to have the surgery. My neighbor is in her mid 80's and had to have this done 3 times. One surgery was so old it had to be redone.

She is fine and a blessing to have as a neighbor and one tough cookie.

On another note Congratulations on your retirement, prayers for your speedy recovery, look into all options and best practices.

Regular Contributor
Posts: 204
Registered: ‎07-13-2011

Re: My knee is beyond repair

I had one done 6 month ago and am having the other done in less than a month. It is major surgery and all the drugs are hard on your system, so even though you are up and moving you will be very tired for the first few weeks. I like most say I waited too long, but it is a lifestyle decision...not medically necessary. Problem when you wait too long, you are usually weaker, can not exercise well before hand and so the recovery is slower as well. But I knew at 3 months that my new knee was so much better than my old that I was ready to push ahead with the next. Find out everything you can about the surgeons in your area. Talk to many who have had the operation...I learned something different from each one. And be sure to spend the time to research your surgeon. You want a doc that does hundreds of these a year. The doc I am going to has done almost 12,000 knee replacements. He analyses every aspect and keeps up with the research. I visited with 5 surgeons before I decided. I did not go with the doc who had been taking care of my knees up til then even though he was nice! I was only in the hospital over night and came home. I had PT 3 times a week for 3 weeks, then I was on my own. You have to do the exercises every day and for the first few weeks it is the most painful part. But you have to keep the new joint moving or scar tissue will grow and ruin your joint requiring more surgery. There are online chat rooms for this and multiple books you can read. It is a very common operation now and if even older one can get through it you certainly can do very well and be glad that you have. Just think about how much your current situation has slowed you down and stopped from doing so many things. You are not old and need to be active! You can do it.

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Posts: 13,775
Registered: ‎07-09-2011

Re: My knee is beyond repair

I am sorry to hear about your knee. I had a TKR in 2007 and this is my #1 piece of advice. Wait the 4 months if you have to, but do NOT put it off past that. I kept getting the shots and it would feel better and I'd walk on it, then it would start to hurt and I said "I can deal with this", I'd walk on it 'till I could no longer stand the pain, and eventually I'd get another shot.

Suddenly one day my knee was the size of a soccer ball! Very long, painful story, I had developed a spontaneous infection of the knee joint and surrounding area. Instead of a controlled, planned surgery I was admitted through the ER and had surgery a few hours later.

The recovery was almost a year, the Orthos said I'd never walk again (I can thank goodness), but because of the way things had to be patched together I will always be in pain.

Please if your MD says you need it - GO! I wish mine had told me.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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