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Re: Medicare doesn't cover Prescription Glasses ..

Due to having a mass, called a hemangioma, behind my right eyeball that sits on my optic nerve & was discovered by accident in 2004 when I had an MRI of my head for something else,I have to see an opthalmologist to get my eyes checked, which Medicare covers.  I just buy my glasses at Costco & pay myself.  Even when I was still working & had group vision coverage, it still wasn't cheap to get glasses, so it was not a big loss when it went away when I retired..

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Re: Medicare doesn't cover Prescription Glasses ..

What about cataract surgery?     Is that covered?

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Re: Medicare doesn't cover Prescription Glasses ..

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

What about cataract surgery?     Is that covered?



I believe it is.

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Re: Medicare doesn't cover Prescription Glasses ..

So rude!

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Re: Medicare doesn't cover Prescription Glasses ..

When my DH was working and we had vision insurance they hardly covered anything at all toward the cost of glasses.They had a box at the in plan optomitrist office and if you chose one of the frames in it - which were awful and out of date - they were free. They barely covered anything toward lenses.

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Re: Medicare doesn't cover Prescription Glasses ..

@redhead78 wrote:





I don't understand the OP's bewilderment at this information. I thought most everyone knew it anyway.


Also, as you are approaching the age for Medicare, don't you investigate it to see what it covers, so you can prepare for ancillary expenses?


I wouldn't get an insurance policy and have it activated before I had any idea of what it covered or not.


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Posts: 24,441
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Medicare doesn't cover Prescription Glasses ..

The reality is you can save a few fortune buying prescription eyeglasses online.  Zenni Optical is a great source. I bought a pair of the bendable titanium frames with matching clip on sunglasses, progressive polycarbonate lenses, anti-reflective coating, for under $85. The lenses alone at my local optician were over $200 and a comparable complete pair of glasses there would have cost in excess of $600. Zenni is better than the best insurance. The only real negative is that it takes about three weeks to get them, but the cost savings are worth the wait.

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Re: Medicare doesn't cover Prescription Glasses ..

My AAA insurance gives me a way better discount on eye glasses than any of my insurance packages.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Medicare doesn't cover Prescription Glasses ..

Some folks spend a ton of money on eyeglasses but in reality my last pair were only $350. If I had insurance it would cost in the $50/month range and these glasses will probably last me about 2 years or less than $15/month. It is more reasonable to put money aside each month toward expenses like this that you can use when the time comes.We keep a passbook savings acct for just this purpose, put in a budgetted amount each month so we have cash to use when we need it.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Medicare doesn't cover Prescription Glasses ..



Yes, how true!!!! So many people are hesitatant to try a service on-line, but gosh, you save a ton of $$$$$.  


If you want to buy cheap glasses, they have them.  But they also have top of the line frames, designer glasses, etc.  


I have been ordering from them for several years and have recommended them to several family members and friends -- all who use Zenni and love them -- and are so grateful that they can now afford to have the glasses that they need and want!  


If you are scared -- do as I did -- order a very cheap frame to start -- and after you see how great they are --- then you can order a more expensive pair.  


The pair I am curently wearing - I get a ton of compliments on-- they are so different and unique and only cost me like $30!!!

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin