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Re: Medical Marijuana

[ Edited ], Smoking, Smoking problem. It makes zero sense to me but it's where we are.

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As far as smoking vs. edibles, is it possible there are differences in the two methods?


 I.E., is one superior in, let's say timing of the MM to take effect, or even levels achieved each way?


Just speculating, as it's two different ways of injesting a substance (stomach vs, lungs).

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@Snowpuppy   There are no legit MM facilities tainting any of their products albeit plant materials, edibles, oils, absolutely none of their products.  For all the measures set up right from the get-go and inspections they must go through to even entertain tainting.


The products that are being tainted are being done so by people who are buying products across the net and cutting them with harmful items and are now hurting and killing people who buy these products illegally.


Obviously in this day oand age, to be safe and keep yourself safe it is imperative you either grow your own with no chemicals involved or have a MM card to buy safely and legitimately from dispensaries.

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To my knowledge, in New York State, MM is not smoked.  It is an oral medication.  Never heard of MM being smoked!

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@skatting44 wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

Here in PA, MM is now allowed.  They do not allow any that can be smoked or consumed. You can't get high from it.


Right  now our governor is looking at legalizing recreational  marijuana.  I can't believe it.  It took YEARS to get the MM legalized.  

 It's happening now  because there is alot of money to be made off this commodity which has alot of lobbyist's wining and dining our politicians .  They don't give a hoot abt people's health and how many will develop lung cancer  just as they  developed lung cancer from cigarettes . 

That's exactly right.  It is about the money.  Just like gambling issues were.  All we will gain is a bunch more impaired people out on the roads. 


I don't even know how this happened.  True medical issues are not handled like this.  It's a ruse. 

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Not enough is known about the long term use of MM. If adults want to take the risk its on them but it should be child abuse to give to children.

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a friend has been using MM for 6 months now and uses oil. not cbd oil but MM oil. so far its working for him!

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I live in CO. I smoked it one time when I was 22.
I didn't like it.
If people use it for pain relief, I am for it.
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@PINKdogWOOD , buying it "safely from dispensaries" is no guarantee of "safety".


Here in MI there was a safety recall of tainted products found in dispensaries. The recall was announced online thru the state licensing agency. 


How do you return your consumed product? 



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@Nightowlz : We make our own marijuana butter, etc.  We found the best way is to use a small crock pot.  I bought DH several cookbooks on Amazon.