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Re: MOHS surgery right before Christmas

I've had several MOHS surgeries for skin cancer and have never had stitches. Only one was on my nose and it didn't require any either. The scar is almost completely invisible. It is great surgery. My biggest problem with it is changing the bandages! I'mnot very adept at that with the arthritis in my fingers. You'll find this is an experience that is painless-unless you count the little pricks to deaden the area.

As for your Christmas dinner plans--that's up to high strung you get over that kind of an event--but doubt the surgery will complicate it.

Come to think of it, 2 of mine were in Dec. In retrospect, I could have waited till after the first of the year, but didn't realize that.

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Re: MOHS surgery right before Christmas

On 12/4/2014 SeasonedCitizen said:

I've had several MOHS surgeries for skin cancer and have never had stitches. Only one was on my nose and it didn't require any either. The scar is almost completely invisible. It is great surgery. My biggest problem with it is changing the bandages! I'mnot very adept at that with the arthritis in my fingers. You'll find this is an experience that is painless-unless you count the little pricks to deaden the area.

As for your Christmas dinner plans--that's up to high strung you get over that kind of an event--but doubt the surgery will complicate it.

Come to think of it, 2 of mine were in Dec. In retrospect, I could have waited till after the first of the year, but didn't realize that.

I gave thought to waiting but he is a busy guy and most of January was already booked up and I hate to have it hanging over my head (so to speak).

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Re: MOHS surgery right before Christmas

Thank you all for your reassurance. We are lucky to live in this day and age where this type of surgery is available.

I went on line and googled this and the images are pretty daunting so hearing that so many of my fellow posters have had this and were fine means a lot. Thanks, guys!!!

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Re: MOHS surgery right before Christmas

As an avid sunbather in my youth, I paid the price with several basal cell carcinomas. Three of them have been on my face with two on my nose and one high on my cheekbone near my eye. Even though I had had prior basal cell surgeries at my derm's office, I was still fearful going in for Moh's and, of course, the fact that these were on my face.

It is really nothing to worry about. The surgery itself didn't bother me at all. I'm sure you've read about the procedure. I was lying on my back on a table. After anesthetizing the area with lidocaine, they carefully take very thin sections of tissue until they see that the tissue appears to be "normal." Then they have you wait in the waiting room with a bandage on until they look at the tissue samples under the microscope to determine if the margins (edges) are cancer-free. If I recall correctly, my waiting time was about 20 minutes. If the margins are clear, they call you back in and either put in stitches or bandage you up. The two on my nose did not require stitches. They were small "craters" that filled in pretty quickly. The one in the corner of my nostril is completely unnoticeable. The other, which is about the same place as yours, but a little to the side, is slightly indented, but it is skin color and completely unnoticeable to anyone else.

For the one on my cheekbone, they scheduled additional time and had the surgeon "on call" for me in case I required a skin graft. He was on a different floor. They did have me go to the surgeon only because he could do a better cosmetic patch up. I didn't need a skin graft. The surgeon was terrific and made the prettiest little crescent shaped stitching on my cheekbone. When it healed, I was self-conscious and applied make-up to fill it in. I discovered that Bare Minerals Bisque with the flat brush is an EXCELLENT cover-up for scars!!! You just punch the powder right into the scar line and it virtually disappears. But then my DH said I shouldn't cover up the scar because it's pretty, lol. It's really a tiny scar and I usually don't bother anymore.

As far as skin treatment, I think the nose is supposed to generally heal well. I didn't use anything special and it just filled in by itself. No redness at all was left over.

If you're only getting stitches removed a couple of days before your party, there shouldn't be any problem, but I will say, if I had my druthers, for me, I would probably look to have someone else host only because of my personal stress levels. After going through something like this, I'd just want to relax, take care of myself, and not have to worry about party details. But that's just me. If you are an easy-going person who enjoys entertaining, no problem.

Best of luck!

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Re: MOHS surgery right before Christmas

I had MOHS surgery 9 years ago on my forehead right above my eyebrow. The following day I had surgery by a plastic surgeon. I had significant bruising. The stitches were removed a week later. I wore a bandaid on my forehead until the surgeon allowed me to wear makeup. About a month I think. It healed beautifully and the scar is not visible.
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Re: MOHS surgery right before Christmas

I am so grateful to all of you who took the time to tell me of your experiences. I think the scary part is that there is no way to predict how extensive it will be. I think mine has been there for a long time. I have rosacea and this was flat and nodule and if it had not bled I would have never thought anything about it.

Puglet1 I do have my kids as back up for hosting the two days if need be. I keep hoping I will get called in this week if they have a cancellation and have Christmas pretty much done except wrapping.

Did anyone have this superficial multi focal basal type? Not really sure what it means. I know nodular is the most common.

Any many thanks to you all. Here's to SPF!

Posts: 33
Registered: ‎10-23-2010

Re: MOHS surgery right before Christmas

MOHs surgery is nothing short of a miracle! I have had 3 MOHs surgeries on my face ; the latest surgery was on the side of my nose - Basel cell - a year ago. There is no scar unless you look through a magnifying glass. People marvel that I have had surgery on my face because you cannot see any marks. The surgery itself is not painful but it takes a while because the surgeon takes microscopic slices of skin off until all the cancer is removed. Each layer is analyzed before the doctor removes additional skin. This minimizes any scarring. Of course, you will have a local anesthetic but I did not find it painful. These MOHs surgeons are highly skilled. You are in good hands! Be grateful you found the cancer and that soon it will be gone!
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Re: MOHS surgery right before Christmas

My DH had to have plastic surgery because he has "thick skin" and his nose needed tweaked to look more like him (after the MOHS). The plastic surgeon told us that this happens sometimes with people who have "thicker" skin verses "thin" skin ( no pun intended). He had to wear a bandage a little longer and, while it didn't bother any one else in the family, our granddaughter was afraid of him for awhile and wouldn't go to him. She was only about 2 or 3 at the time. That probably won't happen with you but just wanted to give you a heads up. He did not have much pain with either procedure and you can't even tell he had plastic surgery.

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Registered: ‎12-05-2012

Re: MOHS surgery right before Christmas

Good news! I got a cancellation appointment. This weds at 8 am. I am so glad to have it done and the stitches out before Christmas. Thank you all for your support.

Jubilant...I have young grandchildren and was afraid of the same thing! Two year olds don't understand bandages.

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Registered: ‎06-10-2010

Re: MOHS surgery right before Christmas

On 12/8/2014 wonderfulworld said:

Good news! I got a cancellation appointment. This weds at 8 am. I am so glad to have it done and the stitches out before Christmas. Thank you all for your support.

Jubilant...I have young grandchildren and was afraid of the same thing! Two year olds don't understand bandages.

Good news for sure!