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I have figured out that one of my triggers seems to be changes in the barometric pressure.

Also, it if I feel one coming on, and take a Claritin D it seems to go away. It is not a sinus headache. I know what those are, not sure why this is, but at the moment it is working for me. I haven't had a migraine in about 5 months, which is a record.

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I get migraines too. For a few years I took Migreleif. It helped a little, maybe lessened the severity. After having a bad attack, I finally went to the doctor and got a prescription. It has worked wonders for me, and I don't want to be without it now. It's sumatriptan. Migraines are awful and I feel for anyone else that suffers with them. I know how awful they can be.

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Those who use migraine spray, does it make you tired?


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Aging worked for me! My headaches were related to my monthly cycle. It's one of the few things that have improved with age.

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I'm following this thread with interest. I have had migraines on and off for many years. Lately they have increased in frequency and severity and I wonder if there's a connection to my gradually weaning off my HRT. For many years Excedrin Migraine worked like a charm but lately it's almost as if my bottle expired, although it says it's still good for another year. The darn stuff just doesn't work anymore! I have a regular appt. with my internist in a couple months and plan to ask to try something else. In the meantime, I'll try some of the other suggestions here.

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I found that my trigger was my sinuses (whether it was a food allergy making them swell or TOTM or whatever.) So I flush my sinuses with purified water (never tap, always pure water) with salt dissolved. It works to reduce the sinus swelling and breaks the start of a headache. If no salt water flush is convenient, then I take a sinus medicine to quickly shrink them and apply a hot compress to encourage them to drain--and drink some hot tea for the same reason. (or hot coffee--caffeine can help.) I haven't really had one in a long time, but if I don't get it when the sinuses start to block up, it can go into a migraine. It's frequently happened at night, but I make myself get out of bed and deal with it.

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On 8/28/2014 suzeecat said:

I'm following this thread with interest. I have had migraines on and off for many years. Lately they have increased in frequency and severity and I wonder if there's a connection to my gradually weaning off my HRT. For many years Excedrin Migraine worked like a charm but lately it's almost as if my bottle expired, although it says it's still good for another year. The darn stuff just doesn't work anymore! I have a regular appt. with my internist in a couple months and plan to ask to try something else. In the meantime, I'll try some of the other suggestions here.

Yes, the HRT will increase them (like BC pills, they do too. I had to stop using them years ago. A headache a week. They cause water retention, thus swelling, thus start the headache.)

And as to Excedrin, it's possible you've become accustomed to it. People get tolerant to headache meds--if used too often they can often give you a headache if you don't take them (like a caffeine withdrawal) and they can cause liver and kidney damage (estimated that a good percentage of liver and kidney failure is due to over-use of Tylenol-like OTC drugs.)

(just in case anyone wonders, I have degrees in biochemistry, including grad school and I worked with pharma companies for years until I retired to do something less strenuous that didn't require chemicals and heavy equipment and trudging around the world 2x a year.)

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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

I'm glad someone mentioned vanilla ice cream! Nobody around here believed that it worked quite well. And it also soothed my tummy........(prevented nausea, etc.).

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Mine (years ago) were 'classic migraines triggered by chemicals, strong perfumes, strong odors', scented soaps, shampoos, construction glues, paints, cleaning chemicals, (a long list of 'culprits'/triggers), etc. Scented laundry detergents/dryer sheets on my pillow cases were a no-no, and still are. Mine were delayed reactions, striking a day after exposure. Like clockwork. p.s. My doc advised me to take straight antihistamines (straight, not with the added cold remedies/ingredients) to block the histamines which triggered my migraines. Anyway, ever since then, I haven't had any problems, so far. p.s. I only had to take 1/4 to 1/2 of a tablet. I also drank coffee to counteract any occasional drowsiness. EDITED: I must mention that it's important (according to both my doc and N/P at the time) to take the antihistamine (Benadryl, or store brand which works just as well) as soon as you (I) are exposed to a trigger (such as a strong chemical odor, paint, perfume, whatever, whatever). Because mine were delayed reactions, they told me to stop the histamines as soon as possible. Which worked incredibly well for me. (In those days, before I figured it all out (thanks to doc), all it would take is to walk by a scented candle shop, and the next day I ended up with a bad migraine. And, actually, it all makes sense, if our severe migraines are caused by allergies. If they are, always remember to only sleep on unscented washed pillowcases and sheets. That is a 'huge' tip.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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On 8/28/2014 ROMARY said:

I'm glad someone mentioned vanilla ice cream! Nobody around here believed that it worked quite well. And it also soothed my tummy........(prevented nausea, etc.).

How does it work? When do you take it? More info please!!! Mine are triggered by lack of sleep, not drinking enough, and bright lights. I am sure also that the weather has something to do with it as well.