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Re: Low Fat/No Fat Diet/Meatless.....

@Gooday wrote:


Whatever happened to eating all foods in moderation?  It's not rocket science.  It's common sense.  If you don't like a certain food, don't eat it.

Unless you are diabetic, eat what you want. I cannot imagine analyzing every little thing I'm putting in my mouth and yes, twice a year I see my physician and get my blood work which is quite good except for my glucose.  If I lost a few lbs., I could it down to normal.  However, my doctor is pleased with my blood work for my age of 64.

JMO of course.

Because some people cannot eat that way.  I cannot eat all things in moderation.   I have trigger foods that I just cannot keep in the house because if they are there, there is no moderation for me.  I will eat them all.  So I just eliminate the food.  

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Re: Low Fat/No Fat Diet/Meatless.....

@Trinity11 wrote:

Decided to experiment with eating no oils and just plants. I ended up in the ER after fainting yesterday. Turns out my experiment made me sick and I was advised that I was low in protein, B vitamins, and my cholesterol had increased dramatically. I can not sustain the high amount of carbohydrates necessary for me to feel full and for the past few weeks, I have been tired and exhausted. My skin has also suffered and I am so dry, I feel like I live in the Sahara.


I was wondering if anyone else has tried changing over to a no fat diet and had similar results?


Just goes to prove that everyone is different and what may work for someone else, won't necessarily work for EVERYONE.


Came across this thread looking for plant based recipes etc for @Sweet_Serenity's thread.

Sorry this happened @Trinity11. Scary and cautionary. "One size doesn't fit all" as they say.

Hoping for your good health. Be well. I enjoy your posts.



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Re: Low Fat/No Fat Diet/Meatless.....

[ Edited ]
@Verdana wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

Decided to experiment with eating no oils and just plants. I ended up in the ER after fainting yesterday. Turns out my experiment made me sick and I was advised that I was low in protein, B vitamins, and my cholesterol had increased dramatically. I can not sustain the high amount of carbohydrates necessary for me to feel full and for the past few weeks, I have been tired and exhausted. My skin has also suffered and I am so dry, I feel like I live in the Sahara.


I was wondering if anyone else has tried changing over to a no fat diet and had similar results? "What The Health" Documentary along with my Doctors insight into living plant based lifestyle transform not only my body dramatically inflammation completely gone. I know without any doubt I was heading to the same conclusion Mother and Grandmother experienced. Lastly no one could help me until hit bottom. Forever grateful to mu Doctor and people who showed me through example freedom of plant based diet.  


Just goes to prove that everyone is different and what may work for someone else, won't necessarily work for EVERYONE.


Came across this thread looking for plant based recipes etc for @Sweet_Serenity's thread.

Sorry this happened @Trinity11. Scary and cautionary. "One size doesn't fit all" as they say.

Hoping for your good health. Be well. I enjoy your posts. 


Never said my lifestyle was for Everyone. 

NetFlix Documentary-Fat, Sick, Nearly Dead. 

Inspiring film. Love juicing!!🍅🍋🍎🍌🍇


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Re: Low Fat/No Fat Diet/Meatless.....

[ Edited ]

@Trinity11  years ago I went NO FAT  when it was a craz.  I was eatting lots of carbs... did not feel good, gained weight.... today I eat a healthy diet with healthy fats... I consume avocados, raw nuts and seeds, I enjoy wild caught salmon and tuna etc.  I do not eat any dairy fat or saturated fats.  I am able to maintain my weight-- but I should just cut back on my overall calories to lose 5 to 10 pounds.  I get plenty of exercise.... Need to modivate myself!  


 I should edit that I know the salmon and tuna has some saturate fats. But I only eat a portion twice a week, and on the other days just have nuts, some garbonzo beans and seeds.

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Re: Low Fat/No Fat Diet/Meatless.....

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There's no such thing as a NO fat diet.  That simply does not exist.

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Re: Low Fat/No Fat Diet/Meatless.....

Busting weight loss myths was the topic at our Weight Watchers meeting yesterday. We talked and laughed about the notion of eliminating a category of foods from your diet. Yes, I went on the low fat craze back in the 1990's and I ended up with gout. My doctor told me never to do that again. On WW I enjoy my food, I eat from all the food groups daily. I have whole grain bread pretty much every day and enjoy it. Your body needs fat. Fat does not make you fat, neither will 1 meal make you fat or 1 meal make you skinny. It is about smart choices most of the time. That is how I have been successful at not only losing weight but keeping it off 

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Re: Low Fat/No Fat Diet/Meatless.....


I'm happy you found success with WW.

I tried it in years past (i've tried a.l.l. the programs/diets) w/ success,

as well...but only since I cut my calorie intake in half.  I was tired

for my activity level, but I looked good.  The day I realized I was

budgeting unhealthy foods  ('I can eat bread & cake!") as advertised,

that was the day I walked away.  


It's a good starter program for many but don't like restricting calories

and found the obsession of counting to feed into my food addiction.

It was when I walked away & discovered calorie density &

intuitive eating is when I found long-term success.

could eat more, be very satiated & still lose weight. 

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Re: Low Fat/No Fat Diet/Meatless.....

[ Edited ]

It can make your triglycerides soar also. That's what happened to me eventually when I vegan. I didn't cut out fat. 

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Re: Low Fat/No Fat Diet/Meatless.....

[ Edited ]

I wonder when someone says that eating just plants made them sick what their daily food intake actually looked like.


Or if they say they didn't get enough protein.  Perhaps they weren't eating enough calories?  How does anyone know if they're not getting enough protein anyway?  Are they tested for protein deficiency?  Or, again, are they just not getting enough calories from nutrient dense food?


If someone says they ate a large potato for lunch (OMG, all those CARBS) Cat LOL, then they may need to really look into how much more they should be eating at lunch.  LIke adding beans and greens to that very LARGE potato.  


I have been transitioning to a completely whole foods, plant-based diet.  I do not have weight to lose, and I don't want to lose weight.  I'm interested in it for overall health and longevity.  It's a learning experience.  At first I was HORRIFIED by the amount of starch I needed to keep up my energy levels (I'm very active).  I started eating a LOT of starch (beans, corn, potatoes, all in the same meal, and a LOT of it), and I ended up losing 6 pounds over 2 weeks.  (I had added no fat to these meals).  Now I'm tweaking by adding nuts and seeds which adds plenty of fat, but in a whole food package (no oil!).  I've put back 2 of those 6 pounds and feel better


It's a learning process.  Learning about what a whole foods, plant based diet really IS and what my body responds to and needs within the whole foods, plant-based protocol i.e,, No Animal Products, No Dairy, No Oil.  And everything as close to how it grows in nature as possible i.e., minimal processing of even "good" foods.



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Re: Low Fat/No Fat Diet/Meatless.....

Yeah, the whole protein thing kinda drives me nuts.

It's the first thing people tend to ask...not surprising especially since it's

wildly marketed to the Public for no logical nutritional reason.


No one, in modern times...and especially in First World countries,

has ever died because of a protein deficiency.  Then...why is it a thing?


@QueenDanceALot are such a BEAUTIFUL example of what this 

eating protocol can do for a body.  If one eats the right foods,

the body will react positively.  You become that sleek Ferrari!

Food is Fuel...Right Fuel, Beauty Performance & QUICK Recovery.


And this WOE is for everyone..all with the same foods:

If you need to lose weight, the body will shed the weight.

If you need to gain weight, the body will add the weight.

If you need to get healthy, the body will respond with clean biomarkers.

The body WANTS this...and it's quick to respond.  

The ship will be righted with the correct food.