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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

Yur father may have had psoriatic arthritis which is an autoimmune disease , You have flareups of severe [usually] psoriasis along with flares of  arthritis , In most cases it is very dibilitating and attacks all your organs also. [as does rheumatoid arthritis] , I have psoriatic arthritis and it is a very destructive disease , It attacks your skin[psoriasis] and detroys your bones and joints, It also has genetic markers and can run in families , It occurs mostly in Irish ,norwegian ,and daish descent but not just those, Anyone can get it no matter what your ancestry , It can occur at any age and children get it as well , It is a liflong nbattle and sepsis can occur from psoriasis  if you get a skin inection , Psoratic arthritis is usually more desructive than rheumatoid arthritis .I also have lupus and sjogrens so you can get other autoimmune diseases with it .

cathy from ma


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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

@NativeJax any updates? Hope you are doing well.

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Registered: ‎01-27-2015

Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

Hi HappyDaze!

I met with the GI doctor yesterday and I will have a liver biopsy next week. I was suppose to have CT scan today but with the storm coming I can't reach them to reschedule for next week. The liver biopsy is to confirm autoimmune hepatitis. It was confirmed I do have rheumatoid and an additional autoimmune marker which is still being diagnosed. Currently not sure which additional autoimmune disease I have. I can barely left my arms because I have pain in both arms. I wish I had better news but I am not well, I just pray they have found something early enough to treat the hepatitis but he said that the levels indicate I may have cirrhosis, the biopsy should confirm. This would be non alcohol related as I rarely drink but would be from the autoimmune destroying my liver. I am still trying to remain positive and hopeful. I have two more blood tests he ordered as well to see if I have a thyroid disease or hoshimoto disease. Thank you for checking on me, I have been very depressed as suddenly I have no energy and am facing what I am sure to be a difficult time but I do know God is in control.
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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

@NativeJax  I am holding you close to my heart.


My son has had all the tests, the biopsy, everything and his liver enzymes are super high; at 19, his liver should be healthy and wonderful and instead it comes across as one that should belong to a very old man who drank (as per the doctors who have seen him). They don't know why the enzymes are so high.


There is a world expert at NIH who we have consulted with and he told us he has a group of patients (my son is now a member of that group) that are in the same boat but no medical/scientific reason can be found. They just.... do. *sigh*


I sincerely hope you find relief, care, concern and everything else you need to find peace and the strength to deal with this. You are not alone. ((((hugs))))

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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

Nativejax...I am so sorry to hear of your difficulties. I have had ra most of my adult life and it is a difficult disease. My suggestion to you is to get to a good rheumatologist and then follow his/ her suggestions. Ra is treated very aggressively with many different meds...your liver issues may preclude some.


(((many hugs))) to you.

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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

@NativeJax wrote:
Hi HappyDaze!

I met with the GI doctor yesterday and I will have a liver biopsy next week. I was suppose to have CT scan today but with the storm coming I can't reach them to reschedule for next week. The liver biopsy is to confirm autoimmune hepatitis. It was confirmed I do have rheumatoid and an additional autoimmune marker which is still being diagnosed. Currently not sure which additional autoimmune disease I have. I can barely left my arms because I have pain in both arms. I wish I had better news but I am not well, I just pray they have found something early enough to treat the hepatitis but he said that the levels indicate I may have cirrhosis, the biopsy should confirm. This would be non alcohol related as I rarely drink but would be from the autoimmune destroying my liver. I am still trying to remain positive and hopeful. I have two more blood tests he ordered as well to see if I have a thyroid disease or hoshimoto disease. Thank you for checking on me, I have been very depressed as suddenly I have no energy and am facing what I am sure to be a difficult time but I do know God is in control.

@NativeJax thank you for letting us know what is going on. I was hoping it would be better news but now that they've identified most of the issues they can start working on a treatment plan for you. Definitely find a good RA doctor to help manage your RA, that is very important and can make all the difference in the world in terms of how you feel and to slow/minimize further damage.


One of the biggest things you can do for yourself and your health is to stay positive. I know that is easier said than done but it is so important for health that you do so. You would be amazed at how a positive attitude can affect the body and studies have shown that those that kept a positive attitude in spite of their medical conditions tend to fare better overall. I know this sounds hokey to some but even visualization techniques where you are almost meditative and close your eyes and visualize your body being stronger and healthier does help many people. Also, as I am sure you already know, a healthy diet helps to keep inflammation down and helps the body stay strong and better able to fight off illness.


Keep your mind busy doing things you love like reading, watching movies or your favorite tv programs, listening to music, taking walks in the brisk Fall weather (a little physical activity will help your depression and give you a bit more energy), go to a coffee shop with a friend and have a cup of coffee or tea, writing or whatever it is that you enjoy. Focus on all the positives in your life rather than the negatives, even little things like the colorful Fall leaves are something to appreciate and enjoy. Smiley Happy


Do you have any family or friends around for support? I know these are scary and overwhelming times for you but I think you are strong and can tackle whatever comes your way.


More positive thoughts, strength and prayers coming your way! Heart

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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

@NativeJax  I have been thinking of you. With the storm, things were a bit crazy. Just checked in on your post. I'm sorry for your diagnosis but sending prayers your way. Take care 🙏

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Registered: ‎01-27-2015

Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

Hi Reba!

Yes it's been quite a month. I lost power for 5 days from the storm but stayed at my mothers. I did end up in the hospital that weekend suffering from my RA which still remains untreated but I have an appointment with a rheumatologist on nov 10. I had my liver biopsy and was emailed result today. Stage 2 grade 3 liver disease, my colonoscopy is Wednesday.
I am still trying to work when I can, some days I don't:-( I am sorry I haven't been on here for awhile. Thank you for thinking of me.
Did you have any damage from the storm?
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Registered: ‎06-23-2014

Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

@NativeJax We lost power for 24 hours. Our pool screen enclosure had some panels blown out, but all in all, very lucky. We had some pretty strong sustained winds for much longer than I expected. I did realize that I will leave next time. I just can't hack no power with the way I've been feeling recently. 24 hours is nothing to complain about really, but it bothered me more than it did years ago when we went without power for 5 days. I'm a whimp now. Thank goodness it wasn't too hot. 


I'm sorry that you are having to deal with all this. I know you have alot on your plate, but if you find time, keep us updated. 

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Posts: 1,242
Registered: ‎01-27-2015

Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

Hi Reba:-)

BTW, I really love the name Reba! I begged my mother to leave during the storm and she refused, said her house has been here for nearly 100 years...I stayed with her because I didn't want to leave her alone. The ironic part of this story is every single person in our family had damage and no power except MOM! Lol we will never hear the end of it...
I am a very blessed person, I have a loving family and a large group of friends. I have had not only physical challenges lately but personal challenges...change of career, income and terminally ill father who requires lots of help. I know that my treatment will be yet another challenge but really I feel good about my support system and know that I will do my very best to do what the doctors recommend. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.