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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

Bless your heart....  please keep your mind off it until the very minute you have to think about it again.... and I bet everything will turn out just fine....  Woman Happy

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal


Do some research on milk thistle - it is very beneficial for the liver.  Also, look into the supplement SamE.  My dog has liver enzymereading over 600 and I immediately put her on milkthistle with Denamarin + vitamin E (combined it is same as SamE).  Her levels dropped to below 200 in less than a month.  Look into it an see what you think, then discuss with your might help you.

Jarrow Milk Thistle
is an excellent, highly-rated, very safe, all-natural supplement.

I've been taking it for years for liver support, since I must take various RX meds on a daily basis.


Getting liver and kidney blood work done on a regular basis also helps my docs and I keep an eye on the state of their health.


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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

My liver enzymes were quite elevated so I stopped all of my supplements except bioten,  a multi vitalmin and fish oil. I was taking Andrew Lessman vitamins. My liver enzymes came down significantly, then I lost a lot of weight 59 pounds and my liver enzymes are normal. You could have fatty liver, or an obstruction in your bile duct, or something else. Talk to your doctor. 

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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

The only time I had ever even heard about liver enzymes was when I got sick & went to the ER & they diagnosed me with gallstones, pancreatitis & elevated liver enzymes. They ended up admitting me & taking out my gallbladder & it resolved everything.

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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

It pays to remember that whenever you get blood work done that the bloodwork is a snapshot of how you are at the moment the bloodwork is drawn. Like any snapshot/photo a single photo doesn't tell you a whole lot. You need more information. There are a gazillion viruses out there and maybe a virus was bugging your liver at the moment you had the blood work drawn and your immune system has since then swatted away the virus. Maybe you had a drink or two the night before that dinged your liver. Maybe your medications are affecting it. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Follow up, see if anything dramatic shows up, but don't panic over anything until you know there's something to panic over. Liver's are resilient little things. They can take a ton of abuse and survive.

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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

Prior to blood work ... it is mentioned to fast 12 hrs. prior ... I recommend much more!  

My DH ate a Hardee's Monster Burger at 6 p.m. (his blood work was at 8 a.m. the next day).   His enzymes were so off-the-chart, the doctor was worried...then RETESTED a few days later, only eating a light salad at lunchtime the day prior and fasted until CBC done, and EVERYTHING WAS NORMAL~!

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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

@NativeJax I hope all went well at your Doctor's appointment yesterday and you are keeping your mind busy so it doesn't wander too much. Only allow positive thoughts in and focus on all the positives in your life. Keep us updated if you get a chance!

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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

Hi HappyDaze!

I did get the sonogram done yesterday morning, I was hoping the Doctor might call today but he told me yesterday it would most likely be Monday. Hopefully the additional bloodwork will be back that day as well. Thank you so much for thinking of me😊
I have decided that for the 100 things it could be there are 100 things it couldn't be. I have also decided that there is always a silver lining, if I do have something the recent loss of my job and having to switch doctors was a blessing. I had a full work up in May so I wasn't due again until next year, maybe this is all a good thing. I have used this time to take care of my son, my dad and myself which is the way God had intended.

I will update you though when I do hear the news. 🙏👼🌅
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Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

@LIndaMJ Saywhat? Your father died from psoriasis???


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Registered: ‎09-13-2012

Re: Liver enzymes-10 times higher than normal

@YorkieonmyPillow wrote:

@LIndaMJ Saywhat? Your father died from psoriasis???


I think she means cirrhosis.