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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

@BetsyDoodle wrote:

I have never taken Andrew's Ultimate Eye before.  My husband and I both are seeing the natural "aging" problems to our eyes and my mom has macular degeneration.  I am tempted to order it and the reviews are very good, but I would like to know from someone who has taken it if it is really worth getting?   Thanks for your help!




Hi @BetsyDoodle


I swear by this product (and I also take about 12-15 of Andrew's vitamins *s*). 


I'm in my late 50's and it has helped my night vision (i.e. ability to differentiate objects in the dark). 


The main benefit is that it's sunscreen for your eyes LITERALLY... so all you notice (if you notice it) is that slow aging process of the eyes is slowed down (cataracts, macular degeneration, etc.). -- Lutein and zeaxanthin (in the macula) each have electrons that essentially sacrifice themselves to the damaging blue light that comes into your eyes. SO these molecules take the damage that would otherwise damage the macula of your eyes.


My own personal story with Ultimate Eye is somewhat different. I had an eye issue for three months that five different eye specialiasts couldn't solve (it wasn't pink eye). -- That spring I decided to purchase Andrew's Ultimate Eye (I was already taking lutein and zeaxanthin in his Elite multivitamin). -- I took four capsule of Ultimate Eye at 3am and at 8:30am the same morning... no more red eyes... lol, I could see the whites of my eyes. 


Since then I've been a firm believer in this product.


btw, I didn't purchase it to fix my eye redness issue, but just for added sunscreen. I was amazed at my results. 


I highly recommend Ultimate Eye. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up



Thanks so much for the notification!  I've been waiting for the Ultimate Eye and ordered it with the Astaxanthin. Yes there is a jump in cost but my eyesight does not have a price! 


Also ordered the 74% ChocoNuvo, which is back ordered with a 5-30 est delivery date. I'm kind of blown away at spending these dollars on chocolate but will give it a six month trial and go from there. 


I'm slowly wading into Andrew's products and look to add more in the coming months. 


I enjoy the comments read here and this feedback has been very helpful and informative. 

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up



Thanks for the info!!!

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

@CLEM wrote:

I had not planned to purchase anything during this visit, but decided to try the Cruciferous (sp) product.  I know I don't get enough green veggies.


The smell is not that bad especially when you know it is all so good for you. The capsule is very small.


He also has a green foods supplement that doesn't smell at all, but it is a little bigger capsule.


I take both but alternate days. Heart

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

I wish he sold the Astaxanthin spearately rather than the bundle. Buying a bundle means returning a bundle, so I didn't want to take a chance.


I wanted to buy the bundle but read that Astaxanthin does keep you up at night. I get so little sleep as it is, I don't need anymore aids to sleepless nights. Just ordered the jumbo eye.  

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

Andrew said again we're getting an online show in May.


I hope he's serious.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

Marine collagen will be a TS at the end of July.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

@VaBelle35 wrote:

Marine collagen will be a TS at the end of July.



I think it was a TS last July, too, along with HHS&N.



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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

@willdob3  I still have my TS tub w/MSM.  I finished my regular Marine Collagen this week.


I like the MC w/MSM in the morning and the regular at night.


I wonder if he will offer both versions or just the MSM as the TS.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

The Monday night show was really great.  They didn't show any different products than they did on the variety hour on Saturday night, but Adam really just asked him set up questions and off he went for 10 minutes without interruption. They didn't even talk about the pricing or the sizes or any of that.  Sometimes, he was going on and on and on and on that they changed the graphic to another product.


It was like an internet show ;o)

QVC Shopper - 1993