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Lead in popular fruit juices

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Re: Lead in popular fruit juices

There is so much sugar in fruit juice I try to avoid it.

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Re: Lead in popular fruit juices

I use Trop 50 ,it has 1/2 the carbs . I thought it was safe..Woman Sad

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Re: Lead in popular fruit juices

It doesn't mention orange juice , so I guess it is safe

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Re: Lead in popular fruit juices

I still think that it has to be the water or the processing. I really wonder just how closely are they paying attention to those two things.

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Re: Lead in popular fruit juices

Thank you for posting the link @HouseMouse. I was drinking a small glass of grape juice every day because it supposedly helps lower one's cholesterol and is good for the heart. According to the article Welch's grape, which is what I'd been drinking, has the highest lead level of them all. And grape juice in particular has the highest metal levels of all the juices. Guess I won't be drinking grape juice anymore. 

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Re: Lead in popular fruit juices

[ Edited ]

I have a friend who is a registered dietician. One of the first things she tells her clients, including the parents of pediatric patients is "no juice". Although the sugars in a glass of juice are natural, it's still just a glass of sugar. She tells them to eat the whole fruit instead. I've passed the link along to her as I'm sure she'll be interested in yet another reason why juice is a bad idea. 

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Re: Lead in popular fruit juices

I’m surprised people still drink this stuff.

But then again, they probably eat PopTarts & Fruit Loops, as well, so...

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Re: Lead in popular fruit juices

Evidently the dot gov people have known about these contaminants for quite some time. I suspect it's just one of those things that gets put on their back burners until squeaky wheels start getting louder.

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Re: Lead in popular fruit juices

sadly, i can't say that i am surprised.

companies could and should do much better, but because they are profit driven, more than anything else, they ignore things like health and safety.

as a kid, my mother did not buy these drinks. she made things like lemonade and orange ade, from scratch.

at best, every so often she would buy those little packs of koolaid.

my friends thought my mother was strict about food, only soda i could have was ginger-ale. none of what i know now as junk food, like cookies/cakes from a grocery store, cheeto's, etc, i didn't know about then.

as i didn't really know any better or different then, it didn't bother me.

with all that is going on or should i say bad about food today, i am so thankful that my mother was the way that she was, because i didn't acquire the habit of eating things that are now known to be bad for you.

i just hope this things like this stay in the news on a regular basis, to inform more people.

as more people know things like this, they will stop buying the brands that are the biggest offenders and just "maybe" when the manufacturers sales take a nose dive, they will wake up and make the changes.

thank you @HouseMouse for sharing this.