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I would make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor.  You will need an X-ray and MRI to get diagnosed. You PCP doctor will probably have to send you elsewhere to get this done while most orthopedic doctors have this equipment on their premises.


You will  save time and money and get relief sooner.


If I had to guess, it sounds like osteoarthritis.    I have it really bad in both knees,  it starts out painful, then over the years becomes much worse.  I am currently bone on bone with both knees, so bad that I hear crunching noises when I walk.


I have an appointment today and I hoping  to get some relief.  


Wishing you well and best best of luck.


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@qvc chick 


Even though 2 of my friends are Orthopedic specialist  1 specializes in hips and knees, the other is a spinal surgeon, if I were you, I would start by seeing your PCP. Leg pains have a myriad of sources, many are "referred pains".  I personally don't like to speculate about anyone's medical "symptoms".





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If you are taking a statin , you might be suffering pain from that. Not everyone can take it. It attacks the muscle ,but ,I don't think it bothers the bone

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And remember when you find out the problem be sure and DON'T TELL ANYONE ON THE BOARDS.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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@Sadiesadie wrote:

@qvc chick, I agree with @Annabellethecat66 @that it could be a torn meniscus. I saw my regular doc as I was having so much pain so she essentially me for an X-ray insurance requires that first, and then an MRI to confirm it was a torn meniscus. It was so she gave me a steroid shot which instantantly brought down the swelling. Not all torn meniscus have to be dealt with further. I will get pain periodically but still doing what I normally do but just careful with that knee. I hope your issue is not serious.


        I have had surgery for torn meniscus in both knees.  This is what my ortho doc told me..if your knee is swollen, makes a popping sound and hurts...probably torn meniscus...but not always.  See a doc!!


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Posts: 7,336
Registered: ‎08-20-2012

 @qvc chick 

                I have had surgery for torn meniscus in both knees.  This is what my ortho doc told me..if your knee is swollen, makes a popping sound and hurts...probably torn meniscus...but not always.  See a doc!!


OOPS =  sorry...double post



Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,529
Registered: ‎12-09-2018
I had pain in my knee when I turned 45. I actually injured it while strength training my legs. My Doctor at the time put me on Cymbalta. I could still exercise through the pain, but I really lightend up on my right knee. One Day the pain was just gone!
I have not had a problem with my knees again.
I have always worked on strength training since my early thirties and still doing them daily. It has helped my legs and arms enormously. I'm 55 now but I will continue doing these exercises for the rest of my life.
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Posts: 698
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I suggest seeing you family doc for an eval. You will probably need plain films of the knee. I had front to back, side and bent knee xrays. My ortho said they should have done standing knee xrays too, to see the space between your upper and lower leg bones.


Wishing you the best.