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@granddi wrote:

Katie Couric, Age 65, has announced that she was diagnosed with breast cancer this summer. This was discovered during routine mamogram. 


And we are being told after 65 forget about mamograms and pap tests. Health care is being rationed. 


and that is what we got when we read it after we voted on it.

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Because there is no history of breast cancer in my family, my doctor thinks every 3 yrs. is enough for me.

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@Nonametoday wrote:

@granddi wrote:

Katie Couric, Age 65, has announced that she was diagnosed with breast cancer this summer. This was discovered during routine mamogram. 


And we are being told after 65 forget about mamograms and pap tests. Health care is being rationed. 


Of course it is. I could go on for hours about my experience but you're right--health care IS being rationed. And you'd better hope you don't have a condition that is parinful and chronic because The Powers That Be don't give a  d a m n   how much pain you're in; they won't allow enough pain control to help you.

They don't give a rat's reat end about anyone...except their bottom lines.


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Thanks for sharing and wishes of wellness to so many friends here who are fighting it ❣️❣️🙏🙏🙏.  I had no idea the incidence was so high in older ladies! 

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Re: Katie Couric: Cancer DX

[ Edited ]

After my last colonoscopy, since no polyps, that woman doc said I didn't need anymore.  75 this month.  Talk about the "kiss-off",   you just feel, they're putting us out to pasture.  


On You Tube,  I can't get over how many people have said they have had to fight for tests to be done on their own bodies when they KNOW something isn't right.  This is not to mention, those that have their cancers found by "accident"  You must fight for your health.  Everything in life now feels like a war.

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@hyacinth003 wrote:

I was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple months ago.  it is stage 2A.  I have had one chemotherapy treatment.  I am supposed to have 5 more, then a lumpectomy and radiation.  I am told it can be curable.


My doctor tells me the recommendations stop at age 75.  Strange because the incidence goes up with age.  I had a terrible experience with the chemo.  Ended up in the hospital for 5 days.  Dr. is going to change the regime.  Still getting symptoms from it.  Hope anyone else doesn't have it happen to them.



Was just thinking of you and wondering how you're doing since starting treatment.  So sorry about the bad reaction to the chemo and hope the rest of them go smoothly!