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Went to Dr. and was givien Celebrex for 2 weeks.  If Idon't see results then blood work will be done...Both hands and feet are affected... Any hints...

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Up your vitamin D3 - makes a difference in joint pain.  You might get your levels checked at the dr. 

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I need to start taking my D3 again.  I have been having more stiffness and aches lately.  I've been blaming it on the rapid changes in barometric pressure; never thought about it being low Vitamin D.  I know my levels are low.    On my way to the chiropractor now.  That seems to help with the stiffness and loosing spasms.

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@Hondagirl wrote:

Went to Dr. and was givien Celebrex for 2 weeks.  If Idon't see results then blood work will be done...Both hands and feet are affected... Any hints...

@hondagirl   Have you read up on the dangers of taking Celebrex?  

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@KathyM23 wrote:



I need to start taking my D3 again.  I have been having more stiffness and aches lately.  I've been blaming it on the rapid changes in barometric pressure; never thought about it being low Vitamin D.  I know my levels are low.    On my way to the chiropractor now.  That seems to help with the stiffness and loosing spasms.

Don't know why you stopped taking D 3 if you know it helps.

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I did not see anything bad about Celebrex... All meds have side effects and need to know more about Celebrex... I will take it for the two weeks as directed and it has helped somewhat... Some people are on it for years - need more info.

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All I can add since you are on an anti-inflammatory is what works for me. Stiff joints are common for many, including myself. Sit too long, stiff knees/longer= stiff back.  The best things for most joint stiffness are movement and heat.


I can't use the word "ache" or that could at times include my whole body, but mostly after a good long workout, which is a good ache. My body joints/muscles/ligaments and tendons have been feeling great since I worked myself hard to regain my, close to top conditioning. Very seldom do they just ache.


I do take 2,000mg of D3 every day because that level was only 5ng/mL when I was in the hospital with Cellulitis from my cat bite. Was on, I think it was 50,000mg once a week for a month. Levels where back to around 45ng/mL, which I view as a good number?


Blood test, if it's been awhile depending on one's age, should be done at least every year. I am speaking for those that are no longer 29 years old every birthday.     =^..^=






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I was on Celebrex for a couple years because of my arthritic fingers. The similar drug, Vioxx, was taken of the market because of heart valve related issues. Since I have had 2 heart attacks, I decided along with my friend my Orthopod, to quit taking it.


Short term like what you were prescribed? I don't see any major dangers unless you have had heart damage, and even then I think your risks would be minimal. If your doctor thinks you should keep taking the Celebrex long term, you might ask her/him about your risks.


I personally would not worry about taking it for 2 weeks, but if you are, call your doctor and see what is said about it.





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Sounds like rheumatoid arthritis, being both sides are affected.. Ask for a sed rate blood test, that  tells you if you have it or not. I had RA 15 years ago and was in bad shape, went to an RA DR and finally got myself till I was able to function.Also watch your meds, most start stomach trouble. I'm not trying to scare you, but this is a very bad thing to have and you must listen to your Dr.Last month I felt both wrist getting sore and went immediately for a sed rate blood test, It's to be around 30, and mine was 60, so I used my old wrists bands and tried to take it easy. I sencerly hope you don't have this, but when you said both wrist hurt, that's sent up a flag to me. That's how mine usually starts, but thank goodness it has never hit me like the first time. and if your rate is up, please go to a rheumatologist, they know how to treat you, most Drs. don't. Hope I have helped you make some decisions, to be on the safe side.My Dr. was in Pittsburgh,Pa., 25 miles from here, he really helped me over 3 years, then moved to Oregon, so I would have to find a new one if it got bad again.

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The primary dr. I went to this week said she will do a blood test in two weeks after I finish taking Celebrex and see how I do.  Since my joints just started hurting this past week she said it's to soon to do blood - it won't be accurate at this time.  My hands were hurting like this about 20 years ago and I had surgery for Carpal Tunnel.