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Activity..yay!! Welcome back FUTURE! I kind of felt the same way after my work-out yesterday, had to make myself eat and that was even after going grocery shopping first and I'm usually pretty disciplined about eating within 30 minutes of a tough work-out.

And tough it was but I loved it!! We had a few of the trainers in our class yesterday, it was my favorite one yet. And I've got the sore muscles to show for I loved the cardio as fast as you can on the treadmill for .40, then get on rower for 200...back on treadmill at full blast for .30, then 300 on rower....20 on tread, 400 rower....1 on tread, 500 stuff! We did some strength compound moves I really like too and some weights that kind of give me a break which I!

And, lets be clear, many people eat too much too and wonder why they can't lose weight, I know a few of those people And eat the wrong foods and it does matter. But not enough food slows your metabolism as well as what you do lose, is usually muscle so you can weigh what you think is a good number on the scale, but you have a high body-fat.

FUTURE, we're all stocked up too! I pulled a 'nomless' yesterday and cooked up a bunch of stuff and cut up a ton of fresh veggies to have on hand.

nomless and tony, what really helped me was a group of people I worked out with that were super fit, healthy and lean...they taught me not to look at food and calories as the enemy but as fuel.

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Good Friday Morning!

I have caught some nasty bug - probably from all the flying - and have been sick as a dog since Tuesday afternoon. Went to the doctor yesterday and am now on antibiotics. While I still feel awful, I'm hoping by tomorrow the meds will have kicked in and I'll feel better.

Welcome to the new posters and you all are inspiring me to get going again once I feel better!

Those that live where this big snowstorm is hitting, please take care. It sounds brutal.

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Morning, we didn't get any additional snow last night but it's cold. Up to 1 right now and next Monday said said our highs will be below zero...coldest winter so far since 1996 they said on the local weather. Logan still wants us to throw him snow balls though. He absolutely loves that.

Today for me was incline walking on my butt cheeks are sore from yesterday so that's good.

Judy sorry you are under the weather..probably worn out too from the trip, just lay low until you feel better.

tony I am counting down the days until opening day!

Pppmint great workout you had yesterday, woo hoo.....

Nomless keep up the good work!

Welcome to all the new comers Smiley Happy

FUTURE glad it is Friday for you too. Your rice cooker sounds interesting...may have to look at one...Can you also just steam veggi's in it too?

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Take a look at Lisa Robertson's blog. She's not foolin' when she talks about working out!

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Registered: ‎07-11-2010


WHOA! You are right about Lisa R! Went to look at her blog and wow, she really does work out! Good for her. I'm sure that has taken not only a lot of time but a lot of dedication and hard work.

I think the Q Forum is being a little weird. The last few days when I have clicked on the Wellness tab, I get a "general" listing of posts and then have to scroll down and click on Wellness again. So strange.

Anyway, still feeling pretty bad and am home from work again today. Not much to report. Just me and my kitty spending lots of time together. LOL

Take care all and stay warm!

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I am sore from my weight workout yesterday. So today I did a cardio tape - too cold to walk outside.

Keeping at it.

Love the encouragement I get from seeing what the rest of you are doing.

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Posts: 153
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Hi all! Well, the storm is over. About 10 inches of fluffy snow. Not heard to shovel at all. The coast got it worse- they storm went through 3 high tides so there was lots of ocean water hitting homes and streets, flooding and eroding. The water did recede as quickly as normal so now they will have ice cos the temps to hit 0 tonight. But goes to 40 with rain on Sunday! Oh well! It was across the country storm- did it affect anyone? Bopper- I like when spring training starts in Feb., it makes it seem close to spring and true baseball. Judy- I hope you feel better soon. Future- I hope you get your rest! Nomless- they'll all show up next week, when back to reality! I agree about chalean. If Tony ?Horton can to a 3rd p90x , then she should do a 2! Patty- I don't go to a gym but I bet it would make me more accountable like WW did. Terrier- glad to hear your trainer is human! Dagna- I do mostly inside w/o- unless good weather when I get to do lots of walking. No gyms nearby, no sidewalks in town so hard to get to do more. ( but I am not the most motivated type, anyway? Did LS after shoveling. I like the look of your new one, bopper. I have a couple of 4 milers and a 5. But they do get too familiar, boring so I will check it out. Gotta work tomorrow so you know I will have no report! Oh well. Have a great weekend!
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Hi,.everyone. It's good to have company as we all struggle toget back in gear. Glad I'm not alone. 3 sets weights done - an accomplishment because I really wanted to lay on the sofa and take a nap. I haven't been able to sleep since going back to work, so I'm tired. I'm happy it's the weekend!
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Morning! Woke up with hives again...grrrrr! Always takes a bit of my mojo from me. I'm seeing a pattern here with my cycle too...isn't that weird?? Anyway, started off my day with Benedryl and coffee...breakfast of champs! {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

tony, we were watching those poor folks in MA, what a mess they have! I'm not going to even mention the measly "storm" we had and our, so many people are so much worse off. Where I'm from(WI) might see minus 50* below wind-chill next week!

I will say Lucy wasn't digging the zero wind-chill we had, she about liked to freeze to death when a gust of wind would hit her! Tuesday we're supposed to have our coldest day here in 20 years...I'm not sure she'll be going #2 that day.{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Judy, hope you are feeling better, I know a lot of people that are sick right now.

I really like the personal trainer we had yesterday but I have trouble understanding them with their headsets when they tell us what we're doing next, it sounds like she is talking through a filter. The guy next to me said he couldn't understand it either.

Anyway, remember how sore my butt cheeks were?...well, our first segment started off with 80 squats with weights and touching butt on short bench...and dead lifts up to shoulder raises. So much for not working those too much! I'm soooorrre today! Only cardio for me!

Waving to everyone!! Stay warm!!

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Registered: ‎04-11-2010
Hi, all! Well, Future is back in business!!! Cranked out 35 minutes of weights (biceps were hard, but I did lots of reps in tris and dead lifted the 70 lb bar.) I also have fallen in love with this machine where you stand up and put one foot on a bar and push back -- REALLY works your booty and hamstrings. Anyway, I did that and spin class, and I. Was. Drenched. Felt good. Hubby and I are going to grab breakfast and run to the big box store for some supplies. I cannot wait to get my massage today. I am all kinds of gnarled up. Lol!! We are supposed to get down to 24 and wind chill of around ZERO tonight. And it'll be up to a heat index of 125 in the summer. Our weather ranges are getting a little too crazy for this girl. Patty, ours will be holding their #2 as well that day. Lol!!! Bopper, we didn't try out the rice cooker yet. We really need to meal prep tomorrow, so maybe I'll have more info then. Smiley Wink ok, guys, I need to get a move on. Hubby's dragging his feet and I am Hun-Gry, so I've gotta get his tail in gear. You don't wanna mess with me when I'm hungry -- especially after a work out! Lol! Adios!