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If you're doing a low carb diet...

I would like to know:

1. Do you feel it's safe?

2. Did you lose weight on it?

3. Can you eat this way for the rest of your life?

4. How is your health now?


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Re: If you're doing a low carb diet...

I lost 30 pounds on a low carb diet about 5 years ago. I think it is very safe method for losing weight for the short term. However, as a result of feeling very good on this type of eating plan I have continued to eat this way for the past few years, just not as strict. The big difference in the way I have been eating is reversing the ratio of carbs to protein. Before my weight loss I was eating high carbs and always felt sluggish and tired. Now with more protein to carbs in my diet I feel much more energetic and not bloated like I used to be all the time. As far as a change in my health, I have never been on any meds but my blood pressure has decreased with the weight loss (not that it was a problem before). I can definitely eat this way for the rest of my life. I do cheat on the weekends.

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Re: If you're doing a low carb diet...

I would like to know:

1. Do you feel it's safe?

I follow my own plan, not a marketed diet. I know it is safe. All the foods I eat are healthy ones. Whole foods - no junk LC products.

2. Did you lose weight on it?

Over 100 lbs gone and still losing.

3. Can you eat this way for the rest of your life?

Yes! I intend to. I love eating this way! I have no cravings for unhealthy junk foods. I just eat healthy portions of healthy foods and am satisfied. I feel so much better eating this way; why would I ever consider eating differently?

4. How is your health now?

Good & getting better all the time. My doctor calls me "Amazing!" He says he has never seen anyone improve their health & fitness with diet & exercise the way I have done.

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Re: If you're doing a low carb diet...

I have been doing low carb, low glycemic diet for almost 15 years. It is not a zero carb diet, but a very watched carb diet with no bread, rice, simple carbs or packaged foods..... the usual carbs Americans ingest daily. Most of my carbs come from vegetables, green. Limited root, limited fruit. I only eat lean protein, mostly salmon when I eat protein. Otherwise I go vegetarian and have just raw nuts, but limited... weighed out by the ounce. I use unsweetened almond and flax milk, both low in sugar and carbs naturally and only limited dairy... some low fat feta cheese, occasionally some Nancy's organic cottage cheese. They both have no sugar and are high in protein.

Since eating this way....I feel better, my OA feels better. My weight is stable. I am at a healthy BMI weight for my height, do not have to worry about gaining weight. When I go for my annual checkup, I have a great blood work. My only health issue is my Osteoarthritis which I have had since I was 30( told genetic). I think my diet and exercise/ supplements and healthy lifestyle contribute to my overall wellness. I did have to have both my knees replaced last year at age 58, but ,the doctor was amazed at my fast and positive recovery. Now I can exercise and walk again which is another plus for me.

If you are a real social eating out person... this diet probably will prove difficult to stick to. I do not eat out or eat outside of home. My health is my number one importance and I will not eat restaurant food or food that I do not know the ingredients. You will have to decided if it is worth it for you to incorporate into your lifestyle. Good Health to you!Smile

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Re: If you're doing a low carb diet...

I am doing my own thing, with lots of input from a very clever chiropractor who is a Paleo advocate. Absolutely based on my own goals and needs, I omit dairy, grain, added salt, and sugar. I eat lots of colors of veggies, an egg and about 6 egg whites, 1/2 cup of unsalted nuts, and 2 cups of unsweetened mixed berries every day. IT IS SAFE- All measurable body systems and functions are well within normal limits, including bloodwork, blood pressure and pulse rate, breath capacity, et. I've lost 80 pounds doing this. I feel GREAT! I have every intention of doing this, comfortably and happily, for the rest of my life. My health is better that since my children were born, and I feel at least 15 years younger than I did before I started. I've been able to accomplish activities that I only dreamed about the way I was living 15 months ago. To sum up, I don't deliberately omit carbs, but I do omit groups of things like "white foods". My doctor, who is delighted with my progress, and I believe that I probably do in fact have a sensitivity to something in grain and dairy. Should mention, I'm also hypothyroid, and some experts now believe that grain and dairy may be ill advised in thyroid diets. Best of luck finding what's right for YOU!
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Re: If you're doing a low carb diet...

thank you ladies, that helped a lot.

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Registered: ‎10-29-2010

Re: If you're doing a low carb diet...

I do for diabetes and I'm much healthier for it. My cholesterol numbers are good now also. Remember that veggies have carbs, as do nuts, seeds, legumes, etc. How many of which types you eat depend on what kind of plan you follow. But I say this because a lot of people will try to scare you by saying "you have to have SOME carbs (as in bread, pasta, potatoes, rice...the starchy stuff) or else your brain will starve!!"

Even on a low carb diet, you will still get enough carbs. They will just be the good kind. Smiley Happy

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Re: If you're doing a low carb diet...

On 7/6/2014 iam4truth said:

I do for diabetes and I'm much healthier for it. My cholesterol numbers are good now also. Remember that veggies have carbs, as do nuts, seeds, legumes, etc. How many of which types you eat depend on what kind of plan you follow. But I say this because a lot of people will try to scare you by saying "you have to have SOME carbs (as in bread, pasta, potatoes, rice...the starchy stuff) or else your brain will starve!!"

Even on a low carb diet, you will still get enough carbs. They will just be the good kind. Smiley Happy

well put!Smile

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Re: If you're doing a low carb diet...

Totally agree iam4truth!
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Re: If you're doing a low carb diet...

Do you eat Legumes in place of other types of protein, or are these just too many carbs?