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Re: “I’ve fallen and can’t get up”…

Prayers that your mother will actually wear it.  My grandmother had a life alert necklace that she wore all the time.  We thought about getting one for my mother in law who has had a lot of falls (many she has never told family about) but know that she would refuse to wear it.


For years my mother in law also refused to move.  It was her falls and an infection in her leg as a result of the falls that made her agree to "temporarily" move in with one of my sister in laws.  That move a year later is now permanent and we were able to put her house up for sale.

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Re: “I’ve fallen and can’t get up”…

One other suggestion - check with the police or Senior Citizens government group in your mothers area.  We have a Center for Aging government service.  My local police station has an Angel program for seniors in association with the Center for Aging.  Seniors are required to call a dedicated number every day to check in. If they do not call the deparment will call the senior.  If they can not reach the senior police will be sent to the home for a welfare check.  



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Re: “I’ve fallen and can’t get up”…

[ Edited ]


I was my dad's caregiver for years before he passed. I'm afraid your situation is a disaster waiting to happen. You must either move your mother near you or you move near your mom.This device is pretty much useless in a crisis. Please listen to someone that has lived this.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: “I’ve fallen and can’t get up”…

@ID2 wrote:


I was my dad's caregiver for years before he passed. I'm afraid your situation is a disaster waiting to happen. You must either move your mother near you or you move near your mom.This device is pretty much useless in a crisis. Please listen to someone that has lived this.

@ID2 This is great advice - provided the elderly relative will agree.  I lived 10 minutes from my mother in law and for years we feared that we would walk into her house and find that she fell down the stairs and hit her end on the marbel entryway.  We tried for over 5 years to convince her to move and were not able. Some elderly are too stubborn for their own good.  Bless you for taking care of your dad.  I know its not easy.

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Re: “I’ve fallen and can’t get up”…

[ Edited ]

Thank you sincerely, to all of you, who have thoughtfully shared your experiences- 💝


I totally realize that this situation is a disaster waiting to happen but Mom has battled depression for last 15 yrs (despite psych care she never recovered), so I am not going to force her to move - I must respect her wishes. And my husband and I are extremely happy where we are and also not going to move- We deserve to have the life we want too- 

So what's left manage this situation ?

Do my best to help Mom (visit often overnight, provide this device as well as internet cameras and the lockbox), and let it go.... 

Very sad, I know.



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Re: “I’ve fallen and can’t get up”…

Check into at least one company where you Buy, not rent a device like Life Alert. Forgot the name, but saw it on Amazon. Was resonably priced.

2nd--If you buy an Echo for her and you, you can program it to call your designated person when you need help. Ex. If you fall down you can loudly tell Echo to call Barbara, or My sister, or whover you want them to call. Advantage is you don't have to wear anything and it doesn't necessarily have to be in your immediate area.

My mother had a Life Alert. She would take it off when she got undressed and leave it in her bedroom. Then she would go downstairs to the basement on her hands and knees to take a shower so she wouldn't get her upstairs shower dirty. So I asked her what would she do if she slipped  taking a shower where it is slippery, while her med alert was upstairs in the bedroom. Then she started leaving it on the steps. Better, but also not great. Our city has a group of volunteers who call every night at whatever time you designate. If you don't answer they will send the paramedics over to check on you. Maybe your city has something similar.Good luck. Not fun getting old.

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Re: “I’ve fallen and can’t get up”…

When my mother was alive, I got her a button that had fall detection on it. If she fell, they called me. It worked. I can't remember the company that I had but I think the fall detection is worth it. 

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Re: “I’ve fallen and can’t get up”…

I bought an Apple watch myself for fall detection. I live alone. I think it is a good investment. 

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Re: “I’ve fallen and can’t get up”…

Yes, these devices are well worth having. They provide a lot of peace of mind as long as the person it's intended for remembers to use it. I got one for my mom until she had to move to an assisted living facility.

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Re: “I’ve fallen and can’t get up”…

My dad had the watch type.  I don't favor the around the neck on, in case it would be a choking chance, should they fall.  Of course after one of his showers he couldn't find the watch.  Who knows?  We never did find it, and had to order him a new one.  But, it hooked up to the phone and they'd call now and then, to be sure it was still operating correctly.  (Or was it who was on our end?  LOL).  Watch was a safer option for him, while that lasted.