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Re: I tripped and fell down today on my walk

I feel like I can't enjoy my walks because I'm eyeing the sidewalk all the time.

I just had a knee replacement 7 weeks ago and am so afraid of falling. I can't kneel on the bad knee so I have to get up using my bad knee and it's difficult to do right now. I walk my dog every day, slowly going further and further. But falling scares me more than anything at this point. And it'll be worse this winter.

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Re: I tripped and fell down today on my walk

About 5 years ago, I was hand delivering a cake that I baked to a neighbor who had just lost her father. As I was walking, I was paying more attention to the cake than to where I was walking and, like you, the sidewalk was raised unevenly due to tree roots, and I took a nasty fall. I hobbled to her house with scrapped knees..(oddly, the cake survived). Upon walking home, I felt the pain starting. Later that day, I went to the emergency room because my knee was very swollen and painful. It turned out I had cracked my kneecap. It took many weeks for it to heal.

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life!
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Re: I tripped and fell down today on my walk

On 9/21/2014 ciao_bella said:

About 5 years ago, I was hand delivering a cake that I baked to a neighbor who had just lost her father. As I was walking, I was paying more attention to the cake than to where I was walking and, like you, the sidewalk was raised unevenly due to tree roots, and I took a nasty fall. I hobbled to her house with scrapped knees..(oddly, the cake survived). Upon walking home, I felt the pain starting. Later that day, I went to the emergency room because my knee was very swollen and painful. It turned out I had cracked my kneecap. It took many weeks for it to heal.

OK, I'll bite....did the recipient of the cake offer to pay any part of your un-reimbursed medical bills? Or, was it a public sidewalk, in which case it would be the city's responsibility? In yesterday's world we would be chastised for not watching where we were going, today it is, "oh, my neck, my back, my lawyer"

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Re: I tripped and fell down today on my walk

On 9/21/2014 Deanie said:
On 9/21/2014 ciao_bella said:

About 5 years ago, I was hand delivering a cake that I baked to a neighbor who had just lost her father. As I was walking, I was paying more attention to the cake than to where I was walking and, like you, the sidewalk was raised unevenly due to tree roots, and I took a nasty fall. I hobbled to her house with scrapped knees..(oddly, the cake survived). Upon walking home, I felt the pain starting. Later that day, I went to the emergency room because my knee was very swollen and painful. It turned out I had cracked my kneecap. It took many weeks for it to heal.

OK, I'll bite....did the recipient of the cake offer to pay any part of your un-reimbursed medical bills? Or, was it a public sidewalk, in which case it would be the city's responsibility? In yesterday's world we would be chastised for not watching where we were going, today it is, "oh, my neck, my back, my lawyer

This is from Gazelle77-----I think if you really hurt yourself( doctor bill or such) falling on a public sidewalk.... you can either sue the city or the homeowner if it was right in front of their home. Homeowners in most neighborhoods are responsible for repair and upkeep of public sidewalks right in front of their homes. Of course it would probably end up in small claims court and it would take a long time to get anything settled.

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Re: I tripped and fell down today on my walk

Always so embarrassing and scary to fall -- especially in public. I'm glad you weren't hurt. A couple of years ago I tripped over a curb on the way into a restaurant and sprawled right in front of the door. I couldn't believe how fast I managed to jump up and regain my composure. Tore my pants, skinned my shin, hurt my pride -- but no lasting damage done, thank Heaven! I try extra-hard to watch where I'm going now that I have new knees. Don't want to fall on those, for sure.

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Re: I tripped and fell down today on my walk


I saw this post and thought I would share in your misery (and deflated ego) and pain as I too fell yesterday at work, I am a receptionist at a very busy veterinarian's office, and of course we were FULL!!! Barking dogs, meowing cats, grumpy owners, chatty children, and a in -a -hurry-receptionist who caught her feet in the wires under the desk and tripped as I got up to weight a dog! I flew down on my knee and hand so fast and hard no one saw me until I was flat on the ground. My knee was immediately sore, then my wrist, but today I am sore all over. But my pride is in critical condition!!! Everyone in a three county area saw my flawless fall of gracelessness!!!

Get your bottle of Tylenol ready, you'll need it more tomorrow. Take it easy and treat that pride, if you can't laugh at it, then it will hurt the most.

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Re: I tripped and fell down today on my walk

I am so sorry you fell but glad to hear you were not hurt too badly. It is no fun, for sure. I've tripped and fallen twice because of bumpy sidewalks in the past couple of years while out walking or running.

Both times I was lucky, just a few scrapes/bruises. I try to pay attention but sometimes they get me anyway.

Hope you aren't too sore today and that you heal up soon.

PS - Don't do it again!!! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Re: I tripped and fell down today on my walk

I feel your pain, it is indeed scary to fall at our (whatever that is, but I think it's 'a bit advancing') ages.

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Re: I tripped and fell down today on my walk

On 9/21/2014 Cyber Mom said:


I saw this post and thought I would share in your misery (and deflated ego) and pain as I too fell yesterday at work, I am a receptionist at a very busy veterinarian's office, and of course we were FULL!!! Barking dogs, meowing cats, grumpy owners, chatty children, and a in -a -hurry-receptionist who caught her feet in the wires under the desk and tripped as I got up to weight a dog! I flew down on my knee and hand so fast and hard no one saw me until I was flat on the ground. My knee was immediately sore, then my wrist, but today I am sore all over. But my pride is in critical condition!!! Everyone in a three county area saw my flawless fall of gracelessness!!!

Get your bottle of Tylenol ready, you'll need it more tomorrow. Take it easy and treat that pride, if you can't laugh at it, then it will hurt the most.

Oh cyber mom! That sounds like a very bad fall! I guess we both need to laugh at it as it hurts our egos as well as our bodies. Thanks for the kind words...I hope you heal up all your bruises too. I took off the bandages today and letting the air get to the scrapes I have on knee and shoulder....little neosporian on them.
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Registered: ‎03-01-2013

Re: I tripped and fell down today on my walk

On 9/21/2014 GoodStuff said:

Always so embarrassing and scary to fall -- especially in public. I'm glad you weren't hurt. A couple of years ago I tripped over a curb on the way into a restaurant and sprawled right in front of the door. I couldn't believe how fast I managed to jump up and regain my composure. Tore my pants, skinned my shin, hurt my pride -- but no lasting damage done, thank Heaven! I try extra-hard to watch where I'm going now that I have new knees. Don't want to fall on those, for sure.

That was my first main concern! My new knees, when I fell.