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Re: I think the melanoma is winning

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On a positive note, I'm acquainted with a man who has beaten stage 4 melanoma 3 times. Each time he was in a different clinical study. It's been over five years now, and he continues to do well. I met him and his wife because we all volunteer with a local group that raises money for cancer research. Never give up hope. I lost my mom to melanoma 12 years ago, but treatment has come such a long way since she was first diagnosed. Prayers to you & your husband!

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Re: I think the melanoma is winning sorry! Yes miracles do happen.

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Re: I think the melanoma is winning

I have a friend who has had every kind of melanoma they know of. He has survived it all. It was on his back also. Stay positive. I know it's not easy but it does help. Prayers to you both.

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Re: I think the melanoma is winning

So encouraging. ❤❤❤

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Re: I think the melanoma is winning

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Bailley O'Brian beat this after being on deaths door.  You may want to check this out.


Chirs Wark who started this site had stage 4 colon cancer and cured himself also.  Don't give up.

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Re: I think the melanoma is winning

If I may be so bold as to suggest something to help you, read, you can if you think you can, by Norman Vincent Peale


He will give you a dose of  courage, and optimism  and you sound like you could use it

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Registered: ‎03-29-2016

Re: I think the melanoma is winning

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So sorry about your husbands situation.  I understand your worry and concern, but please don't feel hopeless.  As we all know, ANYTHING in life is possible.


I want to share this story with you (and your husband if you feel it's appropriate).


Four years ago, I had a close freind (age 57) who was very ill with stage 4 ovarian cancer. She was in a medically induced coma, in the hospital for months,  and wasn't expected to live. She was actually unresponsive several times and almost "passed" but then would   "come back around".  So many prayed for her intensely, including myself.  However, at one point. although she was a "fighter by nature",  many doubted she would survive.  


I won't go into detail, but a "Miracle" happened!!!..Not only did she defy the odds and recover FULLY, (no signs of cancer remain),  but she is healthier and stronger now then she ever was!!  It took time for her to recover and gain strength, etc...about 2 years.  But, surprisingly, she was shoveling tons of heavy snow last winter!! Also has a new career in the healing arts and began a support group at a local hosptial for those struggling with cancer or terminal illness.  And, to top the cake, after 30 years, she traveled to Israel last year, which was one of dreams come true!!!


I have chronic and serious health issues (35 years), and over the past 5 years have been dowslidng and I'm "on a thin line". At times I feel like "giving up", But, then I think of my friend, , and it gives me the strength to move forward in hopes that I can heal..she is my inspiration....


Best to your husband and you....

Sending Love, Blessings, and Prayers...

Bohemian GalHeart





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Re: I think the melanoma is winning

@Ditzydori, Thinking of you both today, and saying a prayer for you both.

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Posts: 213
Registered: ‎05-03-2010

Re: I think the melanoma is winning

My prayers are with your husband and yourself.  Stay positive!  Be sure to look into any clinical trials that your husband may qualify for if new treatments aren't successful, ask your doctor.  Miracles do happen!

GET RICH...........Count Your Blessings!
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Registered: ‎06-06-2011

Re: I think the melanoma is winning

Blessings to you both. Heart

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein