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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

I am just in from the gym and I am not exhausted. Before, I would come in and just sink into a chair, just zapped


@LilacTree  my stomach issues are so much better than they were a few days ago, no heartburn ,and I can eat things that I have been avoiding..hope it lasts

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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

Have you been tested for Hashimotos?  I'm not that familiar with it since my thyroid condition is well-controlled with just the levothyroxine.  But, from what I understand, if you have Hashimotos Thyroiditis, your levels can vary widely and you would need additional T3 on top of the T4 that levo/synthroid provides.  My daughter has Hashis and she had an awful time with it until she found a doctor that would test for it and get the right medication for it. 


As far as Endos vs PCPs go, I don't think it matters as long as you get a doctor that is willing to look at all the numbers and treat you as needed.  It took a Naturepath to get my daughter on the right meds.  I'm on a hypo group on Facebook and I see just as many complaints about Endos as I do PCPs, so I don't think that's necessarily the answer.  I think a lot of Endos focus much more on diabetes and ignore the complaints from hypo patients.  


And about the Vit. D issue.  I agree too much Vit. D is problematic.  However, I know that my doctor has me on 50,000 per week permanently and I also supplement with 100 mcg daily on the other days.  He knows that and it's not a problem becasue I get my levels checked and that is what it takes to keep my levels around 60.  If he takes me off the 50,000/week even if I double up on the OTC D my levels drop and I get terrible fatigue.  

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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

@cherry wrote:

I am just in from the gym and I am not exhausted. Before, I would come in and just sink into a chair, just zapped


@LilacTree  my stomach issues are so much better than they were a few days ago, no heartburn ,and I can eat things that I have been avoiding..hope it lasts



Formerly Ford1224
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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

No I don't have hashimotos. I have an endo that cares for this, not my PCP, although she thought I needed to up my dose, until I hear from my endo

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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

@cherry wrote:

It could be. I found myself really irritated by any sudden loud noise . I just feel so much better. My hands are sore but I can easily used them now @Cakers3 


ALso my digestion has improved a lot in the last 3 days. It is as if my thyroid has been reset


Oh, that my fatigue could be regulated so easily by an adjustment in Synthroid!


I am waiting for a callback from my PCPs office.  Of course, she’s on vacation.


Fingers crossed that if it’s my thyroid someone in her office would be authorized to adjust my dose!


I’m so happy for you.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

I can't take any  of that stuff I only am able to use Armour natual thyroid. I wish I could take the other stuff it is cheaper

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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

@cherry wrote:

I can't take any  of that stuff I only am able to use Armour natual thyroid. I wish I could take the other stuff it is cheaper


I have always been on Synthroid. My co-pay is $7 every 90 days.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

@LilacTree  my copay is over $120 every 90 days

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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

Mine is $5.00 for 90 day script.

preds 06-21-20
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