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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

[ Edited ]

Just as I thought, my blood sugar is right on the money ,and I haven't taken my meds yet today


I am sure that my Endo will raise my dose of Armour again




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Re: I think my thyroid is low again



Can thyroid disease be cured?

Q: Can thyroid disease be cured?

A: This is a difficult question to answer due to the differences between the ideas of “treatment” vs. “cure”. All thyroid diseases can be treated, resulting in normal thyroid function. However, this frequently requires being on medication to maintain the normal thyroid state.

For example, most patients with thyroid cancer can be cured through surgery and radioactive iodine treatments (see Thyroid Cancer brochure). While their cancer is cured, the curative treatment results in hypothyroidism requiring thyroid hormone replacement for life.

Hyperthyroidism due to Graves’ disease is caused by antibodies attacking the thyroid and turning it on (see Graves’ disease brochure). Antithyroid medication, radioactive iodine, and surgery are all effective treatments and can restore thyroid function to normal. Radioactive iodine and surgery also can “cure” the hyperthyroidism by removing the thyroid. However, the thyroid stimulating antibodies often are unaffected by these treatments, so the underlying cause of Graves’ disease persists. Occasionally, the thyroid stimulating antibodies do go away in patients treated with antithyroid drugs, resulting in remission of the Graves’ disease and allowing for discontinuation of the medications. However, the thyroid stimulating antibodies may return causing the Graves disease to relapse.

A similar situation occurs in patients with hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which is caused by antibodies attacking and destroying the thyroid (see Hypothyroidism brochure). While thyroid hormone replacement restores the body’s thyroid function to normal, the anti-thyroid antibodies often remain.

There are self-limited thyroid disorders, such as post-partum thyroiditis and subacute thyroiditis, where no therapy is necessary after the disorder runs its course (see Thyroiditis brochure). However, post-partum thyroiditis frequently recurs with subsequent pregnancies.

In summary, the most important aspect of thyroid disease is that effective treatments are available that can restore thyroid function to normal, even if the underlying cause of the disorder is not “cured”. Once diagnosed with thyroid disease, all patients need lifelong medical follow up to ensure that their thyroid function remains in the best range.

Medical Disclaimer The information contained in or made available through the American Thyroid Association Website is not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians. The user should consult a physician in all matters relating to his or her health, and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The American Thyroid Association makes no representations or warranties with respect to any information offered or provided within or through the American Thyroid Association Website regarding treatment, action, or application of medication.

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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

@cherry...thinking of you and hoping with an adjustment of your medication you will be feeling better quickly...


Keep us posted.Heart

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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

I wasn’t aware of finger joint pain maybe being tied in with my ongoing thyroid issues.  I just assumed it was my OA.  


Hope you feel better with a med adjustment, @cherry.

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Registered: ‎06-15-2014

Re: I think my thyroid is low again

Hope you’re feeling better soon. Glad you posted this.

I’m on thyroid meds for 39 years. Started at 2 mcg

Now at 150 6 days a week, and 225 mcgs 1 day a week.


No doctor, no endocronologist,  except my orthopedist mentioned muscle 

spasms and hand pain connection to thyroid. 


My pain pain and spasms are horrible even medical 

marijuana 4 x daily and  naproxen 2 pills 2x don’t take it 



Really much better to know why. Lost my most of my hair and much of eyebrow due to thyroid. And doctors tell me I’m normal with the thyroid rx.




sorry for going on so long. Really hope you get some quick relief.



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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

[ Edited ]

@IMW  do you get your lab results to know that they are in the mid optimal range?  Don't rely on the doctor telling you this would be my advice....get the labs and SEE for yourself what is going on.


When last tried synthroid 112mcg's per day my Free T3 levels were not even in the basement lower end of the range provided by the lab.  For some reason at that time my body simply would not convert T4 into the active T3 the body needs/must have to function.


I went back on Nature Thyroid (desiccated T4 & T3 combo) and had to keep raising my dosage just to get my labs to get into the mid optimal range.  I have posted about this here in this forum before and also about the shortage which happened just recently too!


Well I discovered another hormone was binding my thyroid medication up and that is why I kept needing to get it raised over and over again to what I consider a ridiculous high amount for someone my size/weight (5"4 120lbs) so I decided after reading many articles citing this to do a test on myself.  I stopped ALL thyroid medication for 4wks to see how I felt and have my labs all re-ran again at my own expense.


Surprisingly I didn't feel any different not taking my medication which STUNNED me....I kept expecting to be flattened any day now.  As I got closer to the 4wk mark what I began to notice was my throat was feeling swollen....and I thought here it gland is swelling up.  Went in and had labs done and my TSH had risen to 11.3!  BUT here's the FT3 & FT4 were just a tick higher in normal range then with the Nature thyroid medication!!


I also ran my thyroid antibodies (doctors don't like to bother with this but I have Hashi's so I always get it done every few yrs to see if it continues to drop) one stayed the same and the other had begun to rise since they were last done in 2017.


Now I am back on the 112mcg's synthyroid....and I had that binding globulin (SHBG) rechecked too and sure enough it went back down in the normal range....prior to it was about 70points over the top of the range.  The papers I found said dessicated thyroid has this effect on take your medication and your body binds it up making it totally useless but for some reason T4 only meds don't do this.  


I know this is kinda all over about thyroid but I had never known that such a thing could happen until the new doctor I started seeing ran all my sex hormones and that SHBG came out at 195 (range is not higher then 135) and here I am NOT on testosterone therapy which they say is usually the reason people get this issue.  Women in meno with lower over all hormones have a lower then normal SHBG.  My testosterone was 15 and free T was 0.07...basically zilch!


What I am trying to say is there can be reasons we don't even know about that are blocking our medication and yes this disease can cause pain....I know that in the beginning of my diagnosis I was in pain all over my of my head to soles of my feet....I hurt so badly.  I was DEAD tired....I'd get out of bed...shower...and have to get back in bed to "rest" so I could dry my hair.  


I am not sure if giving my body a break from all meds may have re-set my cells to accept the T4 only med and finally convert it to T3....I will be tested again in September to see.  I don't feel great but I don't feel awful just yet....only been on it for 10days now.


Just sharing what I found out ....not sure anyone would be interested in this at all but it sure explained what was going on in my body.


Edit: to SHBG tested out at 76....this was after the 4wks on no medication thus proving my body was binding up all my Nature Throid medication.

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Registered: ‎06-15-2014

Re: I think my thyroid is low again

@tsavorite @Thanks for your response. I do get my 

t3 t4 tested frequently. My numbers are usually in upper normal range.


I have other conditions diabetes, low ferritin requiring 

infusions about every 12 weeks, osteoarthritis all over



I try hard to stay away from mds as much as I can.

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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

Cherry, I can give you a brief run down of my thyroid journey.  Maybe something will help....


Had Hashimoto's for years.  Diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had a thyroidectomy a little over two years ago.  With the ups and downs of the Hashimoto's it was really hard to keep my numbers stable.  I bounced between depression and anxiety.


I took Synthroid and it didn't help very much.  I tried Armour, and the percentage of T3 was just too high for me.


Since my surgery, it's been terrible trying to get to a "normal" place.  Nothing was working after my thyroidectomy.  I am now taking Tirosint and a small dose of Cytomel.  Name brands only as the generics were useless for me.  


I also take Metformin for diabetes...which was discovered at the same time as my thyroid cancer and hyperparathyroidism....which is another long story.

Anyway, one of the things the body needs to convert T4 meds is B12.  And Metformin can deplete your B12.  My endocrinologist put me on B12, as my levels were low normal.  I've also been going for acupuncture.  One of these things, or both, are doing something.  I started to become hyperthyroid, so we've reduced my Cytomel.  I had to go backwards a little, and started to develop hypothyroid symptoms.  But, we'll gradually play with the doses AGAIN!  UGHHH!  


I still feel slightly tense and nervous, and something is provoking my blood pressure, as it has gone up a little, and I'm tracking it.  I may still be taking a little too much T3.  We'll see....


I don't expect this to ever be fully resolved.  But I'm functioning much better  right now than I have in years.  So, we're on the right track.

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Re: I think my thyroid is low again

@onlyshopsonline  thank you. I am on B12 shots , will be for the rest of my life. My Dr also put me on massive doses of Vit D again..I feel so much better today


I can freely use my fingers, my hands are sore a bit, like they have been badly bruised. I am still very relaxed and my blood sugar levels are OK. I was put on a mild dose of blood pressure meds, and I am hoping, perhaps, I  can stop taking them , but I am not sure, about that one.


My Dr helped me dodge a thyroid bullet, of that I am sure. I am so lucky to have the Drs .that I do. They are wonderful

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Registered: ‎10-09-2017

Re: I think my thyroid is low again

[ Edited ]

"Massive doses of Vita 'D'? Really? There are problems with taking massive doses of this vitamin. You must have a deficiency for this to be suggested by your MD. Recommended dose to restore healthy levels: 1500-2000 IU/day.