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Re: How to feel positive about Mondays

Once read:  (This had to do with messages we send to our subconscious.)  Whatever messages you send to the subconscious, the subconscious works to give you that outcome.  Once I read that, I became very aware of the thoughts that I gave to that part of my noggin.  Again, in hindsight, cross each bridge as you come to it.  Your body doesn't know what stress you are really going through at each moment.  So don't prestress yourself. (Kind of like preheating an oven).  I think we give our bodies more stress than they need, just from our thoughts.


Suggestion only, don't think about work till you get there.  Or if you do, look for some good thoughts about it.  It's a 50/50 choice on what you choose to think about.  JMHO

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Re: How to feel positive about Mondays


I know exactly how you feel. Saturday’s I’m carefree. Then Sunday morning rolls around & instead of enjoying it I feel this sense of doom. It gets worse as the day goes on. For me I truly try not to think about it. I try to enjoy my Sunday. I’ve found it helps if I keep busy. I might take my elderly Mom to the casino for a couple hours after dinner. Or in the summer we might go to a car show or other excursion out of town. Instead of sitting home dreading Monday get out & take your mind off of it. 

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Re: How to feel positive about Mondays

[ Edited ]

Every morning (even Mondays) I wake up with a smile and I say alot of affirmations like

  • This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it
  • Every morning I wake up feeling prosperous and expectant about what the day has in store for me. 
  • Something wonderful happens to me each and every day of my life.

I also really look forward to my day because every night I write what I am thankful for throughout the day. So, I look forward to the day because whenever something happens I get excited and say this is going in my grateful book.


Find something good about every could be something simple like Thank you God I found my favorite black pant I can wear to work I thought it was in the laundry basket. You'll be surprised what happens throughout the day.


Since this morning 5 things have happened and its just 8a. 

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Re: How to feel positive about Mondays

Thanks for all your kind words!  I'm here at my desk having a tea and trying to be positive. I'm fortunate to have a good job and work with good people.  I will focus on the good things.  

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Re: How to feel positive about Mondays

[ Edited ]



You're welcome. As I said in my other post: "For me, thinking about going to work was much worse than actually being at work"!


Have a good one,





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Re: How to feel positive about Mondays

What a wonderful uplifting thread.  I so needed to read tthese responses because I also have a hard time with Mondays and start dreading them on Sunday afternoon.  But all the ideas put forth here will give me something to think about and will help to change my attitude.  Thank you all!



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Re: How to feel positive about Mondays

I have a work friend who refers to Sunday afternoons as 'spastic colon Sunday.' Back to basics -- counting blessings and comparing alternatives. Going to a job v not having a job and going through stressful interview processes. Money deposited in bank v bills piling up. Changing attitude is changing destiny. I know this sounds boring, but if you really don't like it -- change the game.  

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: How to feel positive about Mondays

I have no special day since I do not work. So my anxiety can pop up any day or time. I called up and asked if I can take my pill now and not wait for bed time. Just breathe I say.

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Re: How to feel positive about Mondays

[ Edited ]

The job I retired from, I only worked Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.   


The department I was in before my transfer, I started working my shifts on Friday, finished Tuesday, and had Wednesday’s and Thursdays off.


Mondays were positive days for me; my negative days were Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  


Every day is a a great day now that I’m retired! 

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Re: How to feel positive about Mondays

Although I really enjoy my job, I do look at Mondays as "one day down, four to go." ha!