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Registered: ‎01-13-2012

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

This is what the PA asked me at my last visit to get my BP meds.


Is this new?  Never ever was asked this.


I said "fine", because it is.  I don't feel it is his business either way.  If someone wants to discuss their mood they can bring it up and  that's fine.  To me, him asking is intrusive.




Are you on Medicare?   If so, that's NOT intrusive at all, and I'm surprised you would think so.


Medicare REQUIRES health care providers and insurance companies to "cover all the bases" so those types of questions are necessary ... by law. 


Older people can experience depression and not even really be aware of it, so this can start a conversation that should be had. 


Healthcare providers should never assume you have family members in constant contact with you and are monitoring how you are doing.   


Some people have no family left.




One's mood is part of one's overall health... I have no problem being asked this question.  People are still not comfortable talking about mental health.  It's too bad.