I've never gone for a physical or wellness visit.
Why? Because the reasons I actually go are for a problem or to get needed blood tests etc.
I agree that for some these questions might open up a needed discussion or hopefully some kind of support or help.
A trusted dr who was my primary care told me that the wellness visits are actually to make money when I asked why go to them. So many things are checked when you go for any other reason.
And as for being on your file, one time I went for a respiratory infection. The dr asked me if I was under any stress lately. I told her my mother, my sister- in -law and nephew had recently died and I started to cry. She put in her notes and my "history" that I was chronically depressed! I had never been diagnosed with that before and I was really angry about that. I got it changed and taken off from another dr. That made me never want to share anything like that again at a regular drs visit for a specific problem.
Like someone else said, If I want to go to a therapist or counselor, I'll do that. Also especially for women, symptoms are so often attributed to are you stressed, depressed? etc., rather than really checking out other things extensively.
I think the intent of these questions is probably good, but yes are the problems really addressed or are they just filed into a chart.
"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"