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Hope I can ask this question

Has anyone had a urodynamic testing. it was a super  painful test, I hurt for 3 days after test was completed.


I have not gotten the results yet, i believe i have to go back on July 13th (around that time frame) to see the doctor for results.


Just curious if anyone has had this test and what should I expect when I see the doctor or (I think I have to see a nurse practitioner for results (if she is the same one that gave the test UGH!!!, she was not friendly or nice in any shape or form--very cold personality)

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Re: Hope I can ask this question

I copied this from the Internet~What happens after urodynamic testsAfter having urodynamic tests, a person may feel mild discomfort for a few hours when urinating. Drinking an 8-ounce glass of water every half-hour for 2 hours may help to reduce the discomfort.

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Re: Hope I can ask this question

Maybe it's required to be unpleasant when administering that test.  My mom said exactly the same things you did after she had the test. 

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Re: Hope I can ask this question

[ Edited ]

In the ob/gyn offices I've worked in, usually a doctor trained in that will do it. They are specialized types of testings. You shouldn't have had that much pain or lasting that long, not that is is fun testing to have. You should be seeing the dr for results. You could have other things going on contributing to your problems. In my opinion certain specialties are using NPs for way too much. I quit going to my urologist because of that. 
just make sure to ask questions and for explanations until you fully understand what is wrong and what your options are. Wishing you well!

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Registered: ‎07-09-2011

Re: Hope I can ask this question

@viva923 wrote:

Has anyone had a urodynamic testing. it was a super  painful test, I hurt for 3 days after test was completed.


I have not gotten the results yet, i believe i have to go back on July 13th (around that time frame) to see the doctor for results.


Just curious if anyone has had this test and what should I expect when I see the doctor or (I think I have to see a nurse practitioner for results (if she is the same one that gave the test UGH!!!, she was not friendly or nice in any shape or form--very cold personality)




I have not had this test, but I wish you well in feeling better soon, and getting a good report.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Hope I can ask this question

Oh dear, that sounds dreadful.  Smiley Sad


I have no idea what that is, but then I stopped going to doctors (except when I broke my arm a few yrs ago) some 17-18 years ago.


Hope you are feeling better soon!  Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Hope I can ask this question



I had that those tests done several years ago. They were then followed by a Cystoscopy by my Urologist. 


Told my experiences with that procedure on this forum sometime back a bit. I found them to be uncomfortable, but not painful. But few things I have been through have I found to be a 10 on the pain scale chart.


I had bleeding for 2-3 days after, and uncomfortable when urinating. My wife was supposed to have them done a few months prior, but after reading about them, decided not to have it. I described my experience with those procedures, which she then said "absolutely no way".


My results? I have a small bladder. Must have shrunk over the years because I used to be able to put away a lot of beer before I had to go. Were the results worth the testing?  Depends! It ruled out any types of cancer, or serious disease, so I guess I will say Yes!




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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Hope I can ask this question



My Urodynamics testing was done by a man that specialized in only doing those tests. Never asked his title when I found out that is the only thing he does. 


Had enough things done to this old body by many in the medical profession. I have found that just because they carry a certain title, does not mean they are the best at certain things they do.


Ever had a doctor put in an IV and then compare it to an ER nurse? Big difference, but what preceded the name meant little to me. 2 tries, then get me someone that knows what they are doing, and is good at it.




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Registered: ‎04-25-2020

Re: Hope I can ask this question

@hckynut wrote:



My Urodynamics testing was done by a man that specialized in only doing those tests. Never asked his title when I found out that is the only thing he does. 


Had enough things done to this old body by many in the medical profession. I have found that just because they carry a certain title, does not mean they are the best at certain things they do.


Ever had a doctor put in an IV and then compare it to an ER nurse? Big difference, but what preceded the name meant little to me. 2 tries, then get me someone that knows what they are doing, and is good at it.




@hckynut  I akin that to going to the dentist.  You usually get a better cleaning done by the hygienist as opposed to the actual DDS.  Not only is that their forte, but unlike a dentist, they can focus on you and not have to rush to the next room, to fill a cavity, etc.  👩‍🔬😁

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,346
Registered: ‎04-25-2020

Re: Hope I can ask this question

@hckynut wrote:



I had that those tests done several years ago. They were then followed by a Cystoscopy by my Urologist. 


Told my experiences with that procedure on this forum sometime back a bit. I found them to be uncomfortable, but not painful. But few things I have been through have I found to be a 10 on the pain scale chart.


I had bleeding for 2-3 days after, and uncomfortable when urinating. My wife was supposed to have them done a few months prior, but after reading about them, decided not to have it. I described my experience with those procedures, which she then said "absolutely no way".


My results? I have a small bladder. Must have shrunk over the years because I used to be able to put away a lot of beer before I had to go. Were the results worth the testing?  Depends! It ruled out any types of cancer, or serious disease, so I guess I will say Yes!




@hckynut   Was that " Depends! " thrown in as a no pun intended type of thing?  LOL

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread