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Herniated Disc and Sciatic Nerve Surgery

I had surgery for this issue about 6 weeks ago and not feeling much improvement. Some days it's even worse than before I had the surgery. I have been on two rounds of oral steroids. That did help, but dr said he doesn't want me to take them anymore and I agree with him. He is thinking of ordering another MRI again to see what is going on. Has anyone had this surgery and it was not successful. Maybe I am not being patience enough. I have been dealing with this pain since last Fall and I am at my witts end.

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Re: Herniated Disc and Sciatic Nerve Surgery

I understand exactly how you are feeling. I have been having the sciatic knee pain in my left leg. Unable to sleep at night. Have been told the pain may go away but will eventually return. Thinking and sharing with you my friend. Meant to say cannot take pain meds due to high blood pressure. Have tried Tylenol but discomfort returns within about three hours Please let us know how you make out.

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Re: Herniated Disc and Sciatic Nerve Surgery

I don't have any input to give you , however you are in my prayers! I'm sorry that you're going through this. I'm facing similar surgery in future, so I'll be interested to read the responses you get. Good luck! 

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Re: Herniated Disc and Sciatic Nerve Surgery

[ Edited ]

@luvdoodles  Been there done that in 1996, Feb 13 to be exact.  How and why do I remember this?  DH & I were supposed to be on a plane to Barbados for vacation instead I absolutley could not do it.  We unfortunately cancelled the trip to opt for my much needed surgery.


My sciatica was SO painful done my right leg that honestly I had no idea really how bad my back hurt.  Even way back then it was out patient which blew my mind because even more years ago when my Dad had the same operation, his hospital stay was a week long.


So anyway, I had one of THE most caring renowned neurosurgeons at The Ohio State  Univ Med Center do my surgery.  I was referred to him by my PCP who was the team dr to the football team in sports medicine.  WOW, what a fantastic group to hook up with!


My surgery was pretty intense because my nerve was wrapped around spinal cord, my disc in lumbar 3-4 was so puffed out/protruding, yes it was bad.  But my surgeon was brilliant as was his team.  When I came to in recovery laying on the bed/table, I SO recall wanting so much to jump off the table and do the Irish jig, I FELT THAT GREAT. 


In short, I am so sorry that  you are not feeling what I know to be much needed relief.  I also know many who've been through what you and I have been through.  Mine is the success story, others are not so much.  That's so bad and sad for you and others.  I know folks who've done the same surgery more than once or twice even still with not enough relief.


Since it's been 6 weeks now, are you doing PT to loosen up and get back in shape?  I did, sports med center where I'm at.  That of course helped too.  So yes, I'd get a 2nd opinion and do another MRI to see what's going on. 


And of course I do wish you the very best.

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Re: Herniated Disc and Sciatic Nerve Surgery

[ Edited ]

 I am so sorry for your pain and you are in my prayers.


Many years ago I had this problem but I did not have surgery,Thank God! I spent a year in bed and made daily trips to my chiropractor. I have healed very well.  Everyonce in a while my back and my Sciatc nerve will give me a problem .Then I put on my brace (support) and thankfully it goes away.


I pray you have a full recovery  free from that awful  pain

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Re: Herniated Disc and Sciatic Nerve Surgery

I am so sorry you are feeling so poorly.  Four years ago my husband had a fusion of lower back for stenosis, herniated discs, degeneration.  Prior to the surgery he had horrible sciatic pain.  From the day of surgery he had no pain.

He wore a back brace during all waking hours for 4 months  and at night he had an ice machine that he laid on to relieve swelling.  After about 2 weeks the surgeon told him to begin walking for exercise thru the house and another 2 weeks he was able to walk outside.  He is doing well to this day.


I hope your physician finds the problem soon,  God Bless.

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Re: Herniated Disc and Sciatic Nerve Surgery




I have had both open back surgery, to remove my ruptured  L-5 and S-1 lumbar discs. These were pressing directly on my Sciatic nerve and after 3 weeks of in-patient Physical Therapy, my Ortho Doctor removed them via open back surgery.


After this surgery I was back to running after 6 weeks. Still working on regaining my rear back muscle flexibility and regaining the strength in my abdominal muscle groups. I was taking aspirin and a 2mg Valium tablet per day for about a month after the surgery. When I had residual Sciatic Nerve pain, I would get up and do some Erector muscle flexibility stretches, along with the Thigh Bicep stretches and the pain, for the most part, subsided.


It was probably 8-10 weeks before I had gotten back to close to 100% flexibility and core strength back again. Was back playing hockey 6 months later(doctor said no contact Sports for 6 months).



Years later I had a ruptured L-3 disc that was removed by a much less invasive surgery. Again I worked very hard post disc removal to strengthen my core muscles and regain the flexibility in my Spinal Erector and Thigh Biceps(hamstring) Muscles. In less than a month I was close to being back to 100%. For this I took only a 500mg of tylenol twice a day to help with the pain.


I had no problems after either of the removal of these 3 Lumbar discs and I credit that to primarily my Doctor's skills and myself spending at least an hour twice a day working on my flexibility and strengthening my core muscle.


I do have osteo arthritis in my back, but nothing that limits me from doing whatever I choose to do. My issues I consider to be very necessary and successful.






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Re: Herniated Disc and Sciatic Nerve Surgery

@engineer wrote:

I understand exactly how you are feeling. I have been having the sciatic knee pain in my left leg. Unable to sleep at night. Have been told the pain may go away but will eventually return. Thinking and sharing with you my friend. Meant to say cannot take pain meds due to high blood pressure. Have tried Tylenol but discomfort returns within about three hours Please let us know how you make out.




You might want to get a 2nd opinion on your pain. The Sciatic Nerve run down the Rear Side of your legs from the butt down to the foot and generally effects the Thigh Bicep/Calf Muscles/Achilles Tendon and at times the heel.


Might be some other cause for your knee pain and if I had the Sciatic Level pain in my knee, I would not accept the Sciatic Nerve as the source. I would have to hear and see the MRI results to verify to me that was the source of my pain.


I hope whatever the source of your pain you are able to find relief for it.




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Re: Herniated Disc and Sciatic Nerve Surgery

OP - did you have the open back procedure or the mini procedure where you go home the same day ? I have known several people who have told me they had the mini procedure and it was not successful. They went back to the OR and had an open back surgery with great success. I hope the doc does do another MRI - the best way to know what is going on.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Herniated Disc and Sciatic Nerve Surgery







If you had the "open" procedure, your recuperation time has a chance of being prolonged, depending on the complexity of the surgery (any hardware?) and your physical condition prior to the surgery.  If, on the other hand, you had a same day surgery (very small incisions, clip and grab unwanted material), things should progress well.  However, this is SO not every case.  I had the same day, which was incredibly unsuccessful.


Also, sciatic pain usually progresses from the buttock down the back of the thigh closer to the edge rather than mid-line.  On the outside margin of the knee, slightly to the rear, is one of the spots where sciatic pain can sit and just be nasty as heck.  The pain can then continue down the back side of the lower leg, again more toward the outside or left margin.  If you every have sciatic pain that processes into your foot, get to your doc asap.


A repeat MRI depends on (1)  same day surgery (you should be getting better); (2)  "Open"  a much larger surgery, usually the first step approach is from the lower abdomen, then the patient is gently turned and the other half of the surgery completed at the level requiring attention.  For me, I had the open procedure, plus rods and screws.  No way at 6 weeks was I without pain.  The sciatic pain had decreased by at least 60%, but I still have residual.  To this day, the related muscle spasms are what keep me in constant pain.


I hope you can find some answers and less pain.