Posts: 43
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Has anyone had this procedure. I need to have it done but I am scared to death. I need to know how painful it is during the procedure and afterwards.

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My SIL had it done and said it was painful for a few days. She said no regrets though.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
I had a VERY large one, think almost golf ball size, after my son was born. I had it banded, was slightly uncomfortable but they numbed area well, and I went out to dinner that evening! It sloughs off the tissue slowly, you need to soak,in warm water often, but it was much easier than dealing with actual "roid" for several months! I had a fissure procedure as well later, and that was another story! You should be fine! Mine was done 27 years ago!
Posts: 43
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Just an update on my hemorrhoid banding that I had yesterday. I was scared to death after reading every post on the computer I could find. It did not hurt at all, on a scale of 1-10 it was a 0. I had the CRL O Regan sytem banding which is kind of new. My gastroinerologist did it in his office and it took all of 30 seconds to place 2 bands with absolutely no pain. After leaving the office I had a little pain over my bladder area that was like mild menstrual cramps. He told me I could take Tylenol or Advil for pain which I didn't need until about 3 am when I woke up to a little more pain that only lasted a few seconds. I took 2 Tylenol so I wouldn't get any worse and it didn't. I had a bm this morning and no pain. So far this has been a breeze and had I known it was this easy I would have done it long ago. The hemorrhoids should fall off in a few days. If you are having trouble with hems don't be afraid and get them banded, just go to some one who uses this O Regan system and who had lots of practice. Their website is I am so glad I had this done.

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Thank you for sharing your positive experience, and enlightening me on this new procedure. Always good to know of new procedures that are effective, and less risky than an actual surgery. Continued best wishes with your recovery. I'm glad things turned out far better than you ever expected.
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I have years of heartache with hemorrhoid so why haven't my gastro Drs not helped me?!"" So glad I read your post. Thank you so very much and am so grateful it has helped you so much.
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Thanks for the info. I have had these problems for years and never any real hope for treatment that was less painful than the condition!

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Another option that I would recommend is infrared coagulation. It is virtually pain free and there's absolutely no down time. At the most you'll feel a tiny pinch but that's it. The treatment only takes a few minutes and you can go right back to work or whatever you want to do afterwards.

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Registered: ‎12-22-2010
Great to know both options because I see my gastro dr next week so I'll tell him. Thank you so so much!!""
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Registered: ‎06-15-2010
What a relief! Is t it nice when it turns out so nice quick and simple. 30 seconds and no pain! Great news!