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I am so glad you followed through on this.  Low BP is nothing to ignore, it can be dangerous, as I said.  


Thank goodness you got a doctor who did not brush you off.

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Sounds like you need a new cardiologist if your current one is so unresponsive.  Another option is to drive to his office and get in his face (I like option one better).

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I put in a call to my doctors office again this morning.  They got back with me about a half hour ago. They apologized to me. She said they could see that I was "given to a provider and was never called back". I was nice but let them was scary for me not knowing what to do and not being able to reach a doctor.  She agreed that it would be and again apologized.  I let it go at that point.


They checked with my Cardiologist and they suspect the Carvedilol may have interacted with my Metoprolol that has been in my system now for better than 5 months. She told me that some people do run into this problem when medications like this are changed. I went off of one and on to the other the very next day because you can't stop these medicines "cold turkey".  That is the worst thing you can do.


I am to continue to do what the urgent care doctor prescribed and watch my BP and pulse rates closely.  If my BP's should sky rocket all of a sudden or my pulse rate goes to 80 or over, I am to call them  and they will most likely have me go back to the full dose of Carvedilol.

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Re: Heart question

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Thank you, John, for your post.  I am glad you posted!  I need all the help I can get.  My heart problem is totally different from DH's cardiac arrest so I am pretty green on this stuff.  I think you know me well enough by now, to know "I was thinking".  Thanks for that! I know Crystaltree probably meant well and I did appreciate her concern.


Yes, I did have a heart attack.  Then after I was admitted for that one, I was told I had another one.  I didn't feel that one.  They waited a few days before they operated. There was damage done but evidently not too much.  Mostly now I still have trouble with the leg they took the veins from to do the quadruple and some sternum pain and trying to regain some strength. 


They are concerned about the fact I can't take statins and tell me that recent studies show someone like me may do well for 5 yrs. or so year but will probably have to have heart surgery again in about 9 yrs. Yikes! My cardiologist tells me that I can exercise (and should) eat right, lose weight (which I have) and it will not be enough because I am 4 times over what they want me to be. 


There is a new medicine out that looks promising for patients like me (not a statin) but at $14,000 a year.....I DON'T THINK SO!!!!  I have decided to do what I can and leave the rest up to God. 


@hckynut     John, when I talked about eating right and losing weight and said it would not be enough because of being 4 times over where they wanted me to ... I was not talking about my weight ....... I was referring to my cholesterol! LOL!  I only have 20 lbs to go to get to my desired weight and my normal size medium.   I can just see peoples eyebrows when they read this and thinking..."No wonder she has heart problems"!!


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Hi Jubilant: As an emergency room nurse, I’m saying, call your Doctor now. Any reputable cardiologist has an on-call person in his group to be reached at all times. He will give you the direction to go until you can get into the office. Whether it is to stop the medication, half the dose, skip a day or whatever he feels best. You do not need to go to the emergency room if you can contact a doctor in the medical group of which u are a patient (unless, of course, he tells you that). If you are having symptoms, get the them taken care of in a timely fashion. It is not unusual to have to “tweak” a new med until the dosage works for you. Do it,  Good luck; I’m sure this can be straightened out without  a lot of effort. 

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Obviously didn’t read all the posts, but I was so concerned when I read the first few!  My bad, but I’m glad u got your answer, and good luck to u with your recovery. With the determination you showed to get an answer when you felt something was wrong, I’m sure you’ll do well!

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Dear friend -- what a scary ordeal for you! I'm so thankful that the answers finally came through ... after much effort on your part. 


No, it should not have happened or been so difficult to resolve, but I thank the Lord for watching over you as you continue to work so hard. I applaud your courage, determination and faith! 


Just heard of this by email, with a prayer request for another of our dear mutual friends. Consider that done, too. 


Love to you both, 

-Selah ❤️❤️



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Re: Heart question

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Thank you, Selah.  It was scary.  The hospital where this cardioligist group is, used to be one of the best. It has been going downhill lately. It has been in our area for many years.  In fact, I was born at the old location of this hospital as were many around where I live.... including all my siblings.  It has been having a lot of problems since it was taken over by an out of state organization.  It was doctor owned before.  Many doctors have walked out and are trying to get IU Medical Center to take it over. 


My particular cardiologist is in the same group my husbands cardio doctor is.   They are known to be great doctors and my particular one came highly recommended to me by a person who has been in the medical field for 50 years.  I like my Dr. very much.  If  his group walks out, we have decided to find a new hospital.  Following story of my heart attack and why I am so upset with this hospital.  It explains why this latest incident had me so upset:


I actually had my heart attack in the parking lot of this hospital.  I managed to walk through the front door (where the volunteers were sitting).  I told them I thought I was having a heart attack and couldn't make it to the emergency room.  A little elderly volunteer lady jumped up and wheeled me to the emergency room window and told them she thought I was having a heart attack.  By this time, I am all bent over and the pain is going down my arm.  I was obviously in a great deal of pain. The woman working behind the window said, "you'll have to wait, we are very busy". The poor volunteer (who looked to be close to 80) said in a determined voice ....."It is going down her arm now"....and what seemed to be a few minutes later, someone finally came for me. About an hour family showed up.  We only live 15 minutes from the hospital.  Guess what, they were never called! I finally asked someone to bring me my cell phone so I could call them myself.  There were several other "uncalled for" things that happened to me that would raise your eyebrows.  I was sent home with Vicadin for my pain meds.  Guess what....I am highly allergic to Vicadin and it was not only on my records but my hospital bracelet.  I could tell you a couple other things (just like these) that, imo, were serious mistakes but it would make this post too long.  That is another reason this was so scary for me. I don't go looking for problems and was told by the nurses that I was a good patient. Needless to say, I have lost all confidence in this hospital. My guardian angel had to work overtime on this one!  Thank you for your prayers not only for me but for the other person here that needs them right now.

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@jubilant 😳 Of course I knew some of this from speaking privately with you, but NOT to this extent. 😖 I cringe and weep, and truly, the Lord's hand was and is on you, dear. Otherwise we might have lost you to this change in medication that doesn't even sound as though it was necessary to begin with. 


I know first hand that yours is not the only hospital that's sold out and gone down hill, but I hope you will find another. Maybe your cardiologist who you yet have faith in will move to another. I won't bore you with the details of why, but I just had my first appt with a new, much better rheumotogist on Monday. She will be consulting my cardiologist before prescribing any new treatments for me. I have to travel further, which is hard for me and whomever is kind enough to take me. Worth it, though! 


Yes, I certainly continue to pray for you, your family and our dear, dear friend. You are both so precious to me.


Sending love and hugs across the miles! 💗💗



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Re: Heart question

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Thank you for your kind and helpful words and for your prayers. This is a great place to come for support of all kinds.  I am so thankful for all who posted and offered their experience, encouagement, and knowledge.


It is good to have a place to come and  vent sometimes.  My mother is a go to person for me...always there if I need her.  We had just lost Dad a couple of months before my heart attack so I haven't wanted to burden her with too much. DH just finished up  9 weeks of radiation and chemo a week or two before.  He didn't hold up well at the hospital so my DD took over.  I had the feeling this might happen and so did she.  I set my living will up for her to make all final decisions and DH was fine with fact he welcomed it. I'm not running him down. He has been through a lot of trauma in his life and doesn't do well under it.....especially hospital settings.  He took excellent care of me when I got home and couldn't do enough.  He truly spoiled me.