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PCP advised me yesterday she is no longer going to prescribe prednisone for me for my RD (RA) after ten years of doing so. She said she is willing to treat me for other issues but no longer for RD.  I was pretty taken aback.


she said she’s never been comfortable with prescribing it and that she thinks it’s “killing” me.  She was willing to prescribe one last 30 days supply and that’s it.  I asked her why she prescribed it for ten years, and her response was that she always felt guilty about it.  I am on a very low dose, 8 mg a day.


I now have to find a new PCP or add another doctor to my schedule, a rheumatologist.  I have been to many of them and they only want to treat with biologics, which I will not take.


I have started researching and deciding what I should do.  Bad things always seem to happen to me on the weekends.  I left some messages online for several docs and hope I get some callbacks tomorrow.





Formerly Ford1224
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Interesting- have never heard any of my docs ever say they felt guilty about anything. She must be a good person.

Completely OT-we have had 5-6 health care people retire in the last year. We do not care for our current office and are in a quandry.

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@LilacTreeKeep the PCP for now and ask for a recommendation for a specialist.


I don't know why she said what she did but for your condition I'd, personally, would want a specialist.


If you find another PCP that person may do the same thing; temporarily supply you but refer you to a specialist.


You could end up playing musical doctors.


I know seeing a specialist cost more for a co-pay, but you probably wouldn't need to see the person every month.


Check your insurance for names of specialists, too.


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Since the OP often mentions that she has RA, it makes a lot of sense that a rhuermatologist would be involved.  Surprising that one is not.  They have medications to manage pain and fatigue too.  Would also be a good source for referrals for bone health and ease of movement.  Based on what my cousin tells me, prednisone has been discredited as treatment for many years.

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Prednisone has a terribly negative effect on your bone density. 

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Since my PCP retired 3 years ago I’ve been unable to find someone I like.So I will continue to go to urgent care as needed.

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You don't need a new PCP unless you are unhappy with her for other reasons.  She's right, she should never have been prescribing it to you for all that time.  Borders on malpractice on her part.  I don't if it has been killing you but she must have said that for a reason.  You should ask her for referral to specialist.  No PCP is ever going to just pick up where she left off with that medication and you should not want one who would.  You have the 30 days so call her ask for the referral to a specialist.  I'm not sure what the apology was all about, doctors don't do that so I can only assume that she's in trouble for doing what she did to you with some other patients.

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@LilacTree  Get a referral from your current doctor.  With that, I would also check online to find ratings of doctors who treat your condition.  Then, maybe go online, if you are comfortable, at and ask for recommendations from your surrounding neighborhoods.  You would be surprised how many recommendations you will receive.


I would not be happy that someone has been prescribing meds that they feel guilty about.  I would think that this would have been a conversation that took place years ago.



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@Still Raining wrote:

Since the OP often mentions that she has RA, it makes a lot of sense that a rhuermatologist would be involved.  Surprising that one is not.  They have medications to manage pain and fatigue too.  Would also be a good source for referrals for bone health and ease of movement.  Based on what my cousin tells me, prednisone has been discredited as treatment for many years.


@Still Raining


Actually that is not accurate.  My youngest daughter is on prednisone for her chronic sinus issues, and it is still widely prescribed for many conditions involving inflammation.


It is the biologics that should be considered as a last resort because of their many serious side effects and the fact that they have to be changed frequently.  Not to mention they cost thousands of dollars.

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: Have to find new PCP

[ Edited ]

@LilacTree, did your physician prescribe something in place of the prednisone? Is she aware that you need to taper off the prednisone or risk adrenal insufficiency?


Let us know how things work out. I really feel for you as this is the last thing you need on your road to recovery.