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Re: Has anyone had a colonoscopy???

I'm 64 & have had 2, per recommendation of my PCP. As everyone is telling you, the negative part is the prep. I look at it like a mammogram in that you put up with some discomfort in order to find out what's going in with you (hopefully everything is fine). DH who hates doctors & procedures has even had one. Good luck to you.

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Re: Has anyone had a colonoscopy???

@Doxie wrote:

It is not as bad as people get you worked up about. I did like the suggestion of the ironing board in the bathroom.


You will want to and need to eat after the procedire and it helps get rid of the gas.


Have you read Dave Berry's colonoscopy?





Ironing board ?    Huh?  

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Registered: ‎04-27-2015

Re: Has anyone had a colonoscopy???

@shoppergrl wrote:

As others have said, the prep is worse than the test.  And even that may not be so bad.  There are different types of prep these days.  One friend has a doctor that gives her a couple of tablets to take.  I had to down two big glasses of some salt laden crud (pretty sure that's not the medical terminoloy).  They usually give me a twilight drug which leaves me loopy for the rest of the day after it's over.  Oh, and  I normally drop a couple of pounds so that's a plus.  

That is my favorite part, getting on the scale after the prep is over. Love those numbers.

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Re: Has anyone had a colonoscopy???

Like so many have said, the prep part is awful. I prefer the prep with Miralax and Gatorade, NOT Golightly (very bad reaction for me) . The explosive elimination is tough, but I would never skip or delay the test.

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Re: Has anyone had a colonoscopy???

I LOVE this very long post Ms Doxie - THANK YOU SO MUCH for this post.  It is quite humerous but in the long run it is OH SO TRUE.  EVERYONE needs to read this, laugh/chuckle about it but then buckle down DON'T BE AN ADULT WEENIE and get this test done.  Hopefully you will not be that older adult who put it off and put it off and then got older and continued putting it off, only to FINALLY get 'er done and find out that you get that dreaded response from your Dr who says well, I hate to tell you but you put off your test too long and we find YOU have cancer.


So what if you spend hours the day/night before sitting on the toilet pooping.  We ALL do it every single day of our lives.  Maybe for not hours at one sitting but yes, we all poop.  Take a good book in with you or a magazine and enjoy the peace and quiet of sitting all by yourself with no one around to bother you.  It's almost life changing to 'detox' for a change, out with the old, well you get my drift.


DO THIS FOR YOURSELF and your loved ones so that they don't have to be your care giver for months cleaning out the cancer.  LOVE YOURSELF and them enough to get this very important test done.  Then love yourself even more afterwards when your Dr comes out after the test and says GREAT NEWS, YOU ARE CANCER FREE!!!!


If any of you read my earlier post here, you already know that my husband did not get that great news from his Dr.  Our results were grueling for 22 long months of CURING him.  He was told he had HAD rectal cancer.  He ended up with a permanent colostomy.  His was a bad outcome but he IS cancer FREE, ALIVE, and WELL.  He lives his life very normally.  We both survived and came out the other side as unscathed as we could possibly pray for.    


Get this one done.

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Posts: 2,481
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Has anyone had a colonoscopy???

The ironing board suggestion came from post 5. Itt was to allow you to rest while visiting the throne. 






@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Doxie wrote:

It is not as bad as people get you worked up about. I did like the suggestion of the ironing board in the bathroom.


You will want to and need to eat after the procedire and it helps get rid of the gas.


Have you read Dave Berry's colonoscopy?





Ironing board ?    Huh?  


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Posts: 2,481
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Has anyone had a colonoscopy???

pink dogwood- I am glad that someone enjoyed the post .


I thought it was very true as well.




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Posts: 2,481
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Has anyone had a colonoscopy???

pink dogwood

 I forgot to add that I am so glad that your husband is a survivor of cancer. That is a whole rite of passage in itself.



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Posts: 15,638
Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Re: Has anyone had a colonoscopy???

My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 54.  He had extensive surgery to remove the cancer, followed by many complications, which eventually led to his permanent disability.  Exactly 20 years later, the cancer came back in an advanced stage.  Dad had surgery again, and just barely avoided a colostomy.  Unfortunately, there were more complications, and he never left the hospital.  My dad died from a staph infection; the common type of staph we all carry on our skin, that entered his bloodstream thru a pic line and turned septic, shutting down his kidneys.   Because colon and stomach cancer are prominent on dads side of the family, I have had 3 colonoscopies in 10 years.  My doctor suggests I have the test every 3-5 years, but because of my strong risk factors, my insurance will pay for this test yearly. Watching my dad suffer both mentally and physically, was enough to show me how important colonoscopies are in the fight against colon cancer.  I totally support protecting your health through regular doctor visits, keeping your immunization current, and getting the appropriate screenings for your age group.  The cost of preventive care is always cheaper than the cost of treatment for advanced conditions.   

Posts: 55
Registered: ‎12-24-2012

Re: Has anyone had a colonoscopy???

Heard all of the horror stories so for the "prep" I stocked the bathroom with a blanket and pillow and magazines as I thought would be in there all night.  I actually fell asleep in my own bed and woke up naturally with the urge to go, so no problrm there.  The actual test was a breeze.     They put me out and when I woke up had no pain, they monitored me for awhile and let me go when satisfied with my vitals.  Was really hungry so Hubby took me out to breakfast.  A test that could save your life and, at least for me, a breeze and nothing like what I heard it to be.  Just do it.