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Re: Has anyone experienced fluid on the knees?

Update:  I left voice mail (the days of live people answering phones are long gone) on my ortho's two assistants' voice mail (no option for my ortho's voice mail) on Tuesday, May 5, at 1:30 p.m., following directions to give name, birth date, phone number, rank, serial number, blood type, autobiography, reason for call, etc.  Stated date I had been there originally which was exactly two weeks ago and had been on anti-inflammatory for exactly two weeks.  Asked if there was an alternative treatment available since I was no better and, in fact, worse.  Still waiting, on Thursday, May 7, at 10:05 a.m., for call back.


They did me a favor, actually, because it forced me to make a decision myself.  After again reading literature accompanying the anti-inflammatory, I quit taking it and  have had reduction in side effect it had caused.  From histories y'all provided, I'm doing some PT exercises, however slowly and painfully but will continue and continuing with ice packs which I was doing already.


So that's it.  Thank you!  Y'all have been more helpful that the ortho's office.  I'll reassess in a week or so what I should do next.  I do know that I will NOT be calling that office and leaving yet another voice mail to be ignored.







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Re: Has anyone experienced fluid on the knees?

@Maggie Nolia   A family member is currently on 'rest' with water on the knee and two torn ligaments.  She never had a 'known' injury.  She said the pain was horrible. 

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Re: Has anyone experienced fluid on the knees?

@Mom2Dogs wrote:

@Maggie Nolia   A family member is currently on 'rest' with water on the knee and two torn ligaments.  She never had a 'known' injury.  She said the pain was horrible. 

My sincere sympathies to that person.  It is excruciating.


I don't think an injury is required. 

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Re: Has anyone experienced fluid on the knees?

@Maggie Nolia   Thank you, she said she woke up in the middle of the night in great pain.  Since she is prone to blood clots, the doctor checked for that first.  I find it interesting you can tear a ligiment and not know it !!

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Re: Has anyone experienced fluid on the knees?

My mom had this. I took her to the emergency room because it was late at night when she called me in terrible pain. The ER doctor, who seemed like he didn’t want to be bothered, wanted to only give her medicine and told me to have her see an ortho doctor. I told him I think he should drain it since she’s in so much pain and would have to wait for an ortho appt.. He said “Ok”🙄

Afterwards, she was fine. Immediate relief plus it never happened again.
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Re: Has anyone experienced fluid on the knees?

[ Edited ]

@mamaslittlepotato wrote:
My mom had this. I took her to the emergency room because it was late at night when she called me in terrible pain. The ER doctor, who seemed like he didn’t want to be bothered, wanted to only give her medicine and told me to have her see an ortho doctor. I told him I think he should drain it since she’s in so much pain and would have to wait for an ortho appt.. He said “Ok”🙄

Afterwards, she was fine. Immediate relief plus it never happened again.

@mamaslittlepotato    awful you had to tell the doctor what to do.

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Re: Has anyone experienced fluid on the knees?

@mamaslittlepotato wrote:
My mom had this. I took her to the emergency room because it was late at night when she called me in terrible pain. The ER doctor, who seemed like he didn’t want to be bothered, wanted to only give her medicine and told me to have her see an ortho doctor. I told him I think he should drain it since she’s in so much pain and would have to wait for an ortho appt.. He said “Ok”🙄

Afterwards, she was fine. Immediate relief plus it never happened again.


I'm so angry that that option was not offered to me.  Would have saved me a world of grief.  If I ever get rid of it, I pray never to experience it again.


Good on you that you knew to ask for it.



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Re: Has anyone experienced fluid on the knees?

[ Edited ]

I have bone on bone going on and will get my shots in each knee this week.  Either get another doctor or ask yours about xrays and shots. 


No swelling or water on the knee.  Just horrible pain on the knees.  

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Re: Has anyone experienced fluid on the knees?




My wife had bone on bone with both knees. Shots and the acid(?) treatments would not work. She had her Right knee replaced last fall. Her Ortho doctor said he can now do her Left knee anytime SHE is ready. 


She is not overly anxious to have that done. Unlike myself that loves exercising, even Physical Therapy, she is close to being one that hates it. Sooo!




hckynut 🏒

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Re: Has anyone experienced fluid on the knees?

@hckynut wrote:




My wife had bone on bone with both knees. Shots and the acid(?) treatments would not work. She had her Right knee replaced last fall. Her Ortho doctor said he can now do her Left knee anytime SHE is ready. 


She is not overly anxious to have that done. Unlike myself that loves exercising, even Physical Therapy, she is close to being one that hates it. Sooo!




hckynut 🏒

Jon, I'm with your wife, I hate the time wasted at PT.  I know it's needed, but I just don't like it.