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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

Call your Dr. office immediately & tell them what's going on, they will have an appt available or have you go to Urgent Care...don't wait @geegerbee.


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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

[ Edited ]

Yes, I do.  It started a few years ago.  It has been so bad at times that I cannot sit up, move or even roll over. My poor bladder...I had to hold it once for about 20 hours.


Unless you have another medical condition that is serious, it could be Vertigo.  It is just awful.


I was prescribed a med which is just plain old motion sickness pills.  I now just buy it over the counter.  I get Bonnine.  When I feel it coming on, I take a pill.  I don't let it get out of control.


I always carry the pills with me.

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

@geegerbee  Dizzy spells are not to be ignored, so call your doctor and insist on an appointment.  If that doesn't work (get a new doctor), then urgent care or the emergency room.  You may have vertigo, a reaction to meds, or any number of things, but it needs to be ruled out.  If you have an ENT, make an appointment ASAP and they will see you.  A good ENT will do testing for vertigo to see if:  first, do you have vertigo; second, is it brain or ear;, third, once a determination is made, meds.  


I have brain-related vertigo and take meds.  I will say that I do not have any episodes while driving, but I do have them just sitting in a car (no idea why).  I had vertigo so bad that I did need to hold on to the wall just to walk from room to room.  Meds help tremendously and I rarely have an occurrence.


Please see someone asap.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

[ Edited ]

@geegerbee @I have had vertigo from labrynthitis that followed a virus. The first time, it persisted for over a year. The next time I had it, it persisted for months. My equilibrium was off.  I also had to hold on to walls to walk. The room was spinning. There are a few types of vertigo. Your primary care doctor should be able to help you.


One of the times I had vertigo, things felt different than the other times. I was at a friend's home and was helping with a yard sale. I felt so different that I asked to be taken to the ER. It was diagnosed as the same vertigo as before, even though it felt different than the other times. 

My grandmother had Menieres Disease and so did a friend of mine. My friend ended up having brain surgery for his. My friend's condition was accompanied by severe nausea. His vertigo went away after his surgery but he did have slight facial nerve damage left from somes nerves affected by his procedure. 

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

I've had them from sinus issues. It's scary. Mine went away though it took about a month. I have a family member that has vertigo off and on and can't even get out of bed when it happens.

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

Call your PCP tell them you need an appointment ASAP and the reason why........

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

I have had that happen to me a few times over the years, lasts for  few seconds, then gone. I always think it is a spike or decline in my BP. 

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

I had that happen after a visit to the hair salon.  The shampoo person wasn't paying attention and shot the blast of water straight into my ear without covering it.  It felt terrible but I didn't think it caused any harm until a few days later when the room started spinning.  It was terrifying because it seemed to last forever and wouldn't stop.  It was so scary.  My doctor traced it back to that incident.  I now ask for an extra towel at the hair salon and cover my ears myself just in case.

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

Yes, about a year ago I was sitting on the edge of the bed and reached up to my forehead to see if I had a hair clip in my hair which I will sometimes wear around the house to keep my hair out of my eyes. 


As I touched my forehead all of a sudden the room was spinning.  I had to lie down and it took several hours for it to calm down.  The next day I was a bit shaky but felt fine afterwards.  


In my case I really don't know what it was and fortunately it went away but it's a good idea to call your doctor.

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

@gtx wrote:

Drink a glass of water. You may be dehydrated.

Speaking of dehydration....early in the summer I had routine blood work done and my tests came back reflecting that I had kidney issues.  My primary wanted me to see a kidney specialist.


I also decided to see an integrative doctor first and I showed her my test results.  She suggested that I could be dehydrated and told me to drink at least 60 oz. of water each day.  I had been drinking half of that.


After a few weeks she had me take the blood testing again and I made sure to drink plenty of tests came back with everything normal.