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Re: Has anyone else had this problem?

@MyShadowLove wrote:



@chickenbutt ,,,Oh my goodness, I am so very sorry for the situation that you are in and my heart goes out to you...Your husband's behavior sounds abusive and neglectful and it sounds like he doesn't have you covered under his medical insurance policy....There are resources and services available that you can reach out to...I'm hoping that you have a family member or a friend whom you can trust to help you in your situation so that you can move forward for a more positive and healthy life which you so deserve. 


Sending (((((Hugs)))))



@MyShadowLove  Hi Dear!  Sorry I didn't see your response.  Been sick as a dog the last couple of days.


No, I don't have anybody but that's ok.  I've always had to do for myself.   If I ever had an inkling that he was going to turn into somebody who is negative, hateful, and borderline cruel, I'd have stayed on my own because I could still support myself back then.   But oh well.


As to the insurance issue - he has his ins through his SSA.   I cannot afford that, so I don't have but SSA Part A.  I had to delete the B because I need the money instead to pay my bills.  it's not much but it's more than nothing.  Smiley Happy


The lady I got at SSA was so nice and even told me about some people who can help if you're low income.  The problem is that he makes way more than enough to pay the bills but now that he has become the center of the universe he doesn't seen to prioritize that.   If one family member makes that kind of money you just can't get agency type help.


Maybe one day he'll change back to the good person he used to be, or maybe not.  I just don't have choices, so I'm hanging in there.  The other day I told him (for not the first time) that I've had to cut way back on my food, vitamins, and pretty much anything I can, and I told him that sometimes you just have to cut back.  He informed me that he will not cut back on ANYTHING.  So, there you have it.   He spends so much money it's insane.


Thank You so much for your caring and concern.  It really does mean a lot.



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Re: Has anyone else had this problem?

@wagirl wrote:

All the time------had an appt to see gastro dr---got one 2 months later!! By the time it came around, my issues were cleared up---same with my heart dr.---




"I hear the same thing--short staffed, covid--yaddah yaddah------I understand-----but come on!!!! "





Why do you think this is happening at your doctors offices? 


 hckynut  🇺🇸


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Re: Has anyone else had this problem?

@Trailrun23 wrote:

I think it seems to be an issue in most places. I know many PCP offices overbook so if one office visit takes even a few more minutes than anticipated, it throws off the entire system.





"DH had a 4:00 appt with his PCP and after waiting until 4:30, the nurse came out and told him he would need to schedule an appt for another day since they were running late and close at 5. Glad it wasn't something really serious! "





I have had well over 100+ doctors visits over my adult life, and I have 2 doctors in my immediate family.


In that time I have never had and scheduled appointment where a staff member told me: "we are closing so I will have to reschedule an appointment".


One doctor in my family, a PCP, said if he gets behind schedule, he sees every scheduled patient. Like everyone else, I have had to wait well past my appointment time, but reschedule "because they are closing"?


Were I to ever had that happen to me or my wife? There would be no rescheduling. I would be finding a doctor that sees every scheduled patient. 


hckynut  🇺🇸






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Re: Has anyone else had this problem?

Medicare does not always cover urgent care visits here....they are very expensive if you pay cash. We have a Medicare advantage plan, but they don't pay until Medicare pays. which is rare. DH just had unexpected heart surgery...he was to schedule a follow-up with the surgeon in five days from release from the hospital....but he can't get an appt until 10 days. Seems to me a recent surgery follow-up should take priority over a six month check-up or a prescription refill visit. 

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Re: Has anyone else had this problem?

Michigan - same issue, if I want to see my PCP I need to plan a 3-month wait minimum.  In the group practice I visit, they have had 2 doctors retire and one just left medicine completely, and all 3 of these physicians were replaced by just one person.  The hospital system they work for changed rules and now doesn't allow any physician to "not accept" new patients at any time, which is the reason given to me, along with the short staff issue.  Apparently, in order to control the backup they used to be able to just not accept new patients and now that is a no-no.

If I could find an independent private practice I would, but it seems that all doctors in my area are beholden or employees of some huge health or hospital system and go by the rules of that system.

A specialist visit might require a 6-month wait unless someone intervenes on your behalf to get something sooner.

For immediate issues I can go to urgent care or ER if more serious.

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Re: Has anyone else had this problem?

Yes, it happens in my very large metropolitan area in Texas. We have a huge medical industry here. But everything has slowed way down, including doctor appointments. You can ask to be put on the waiting list or cancellation list for when appointments open up. I was at the urologist a few weeks ago and the NP wanted me to see the doctor at the next available appointment. That is in December. I see the NP again in October but I am a complicated case and I could tell she was feeling this needs more doctor attention. 

Detachment isn't the absence of love but the ability to take care of yourself in the midst of someone else's choices.
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Re: Has anyone else had this problem?

[ Edited ]

The biggest issue for DH is when his dr's office, who is a specialist, calls and cancels the appt he has had for months because the dr had " an emergency". Once they called three times in one week to keep postponing the date and time of the appt. When you rearrange your schedule for an is maddening. He is the only dr in his practice...and the only one DH can see due to his specialty area....but this happens all the time. DH is still trying to work part-time so this is really hard to manage. 
Now my son's post- surgery follow-up is six months after his foot surgery...that was the first appt available. 
I think patients aren't very important anymore.

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Re: Has anyone else had this problem?

Same in CT. Medical care wait times are much longer than ever before- No idea why...