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Re: Has anyone done the Atkins diet?

Skipping breakfast is no longer considered a mortal sin. I eat all my daily calories between 5 and 8 pm, some days later. Works great for me!
Posts: 30
Registered: ‎11-29-2010

Re: Has anyone done the Atkins diet?

I did atkins years ago. I got very sick. I was eating bacon, mayo, cheese. Liver enzymes, cholesterol, and triglycerides when sky high. Almost hospitalized.

Now I eat alot of greens and healthy shakes and lose weight the healthy way

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Re: Has anyone done the Atkins diet?

Just another perspective...

As a teen I used the Atkins diet to lose a few pounds, found it very easy, and then maintained that extra thinness for years. I felt no bad side effects and it was great to control hunger and cravings for sweets. Years later I began to eat the typical average diet with more carbs and gained weight...still my health was fine though. Forward many more years and then rather suddenly in my early 50's I became seriously diabetic with the damage from it giving me cataracts in both eyes (got surgery) and extreme nerve pain in my feet/legs. I found out only then that there was a genetic history in my family relatives of diabetes even though neither of my parents had it and I hadn't shown any predisposition to it before. My first blood sugar tested out to 395 and first A1C test was over 14.

I had to look at my diet, I had to educate myself fast on how to regain my health. I chose again to look at Atkins and other similar diets and decided to go back to that way of eating -- very strict for the first 6 months or so -- and this brought my blood sugar down gradually and I went on once daily insulin shots (Lantus) of 10 units. At the same time I lost all excess weight (30 pounds) and my blood pressure and all other blood panels improved dramatically. I maintained and further improved over the next year, even getting all the nerve pain to disappear in my feet and everywhere else it happened with the help of alpha-lipoic acid tablets. It was such a relief!

Today, a few years later, my blood sugar and all blood tests are perfect...and I no longer even need any insulin shots or diabetic medications of any type. All this change was due only to the change in my diet. I eat low-carb (those coming from veggies and some fruits), no starchy veg., no wheat, no sugar, no pastas or bread. Meats in small quantities, Greek yogurt, eggs and some cheese are okay. I never increased my exercise, I just get exercise in my everyday activities. Diet change is what saved my life, and that is certainly motivation enough for me to continue this way. I do not take any medications for anything and want to try and avoid them as long as possible.

Everyone is different. Genetics does play a role in what happens with your health...even young teens have been found to have the clogged arteries more often expected in older people. You can change your health, though, with diet...find what works for you.

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Re: Has anyone done the Atkins diet?

On 10/2/2014 icaughtu said:

Wow all these posts confuse me so much. I have high LDL and refuse to take statin drugs. So now so many things I am reading say, low carb and do not worry about meat, fat, etc. Is that correct? I do not know what to do. I think my doctor is going to stop seeing me as a patient because I am so adamant about not taking the darn statin drug.

I think we should eat all things in moderation. Not that I have always done that! And I know I do not exercise enough. I do think exercise is very important; just have a hard time doing it.

And I am not really overweight by much; maybe ten pounds.

Help, what should I do??

The important conversation to have with your physician is whether or not your body is making more than a normal amount of cholesterol.

We get cholesterol from two sources: 1. food; 2. our body manufactures it.

If our bodies make too much cholesterol, we must be very mindful of what we put in our mouths and possibly consider taking a statin, but only after careful consideration by you and your physician.

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Re: Has anyone done the Atkins diet?

Carmie, thank you the time and thought you put into your reply! Yes, it did help! I think once I get into a routine, I'll be in good shape. The old Atkins didn't have as many vegetables, I think that's going to be a challenge to meet the 12-15 carbs a day you are supposed to have. But I think I'll feel better than I did the first time BECAUSE of the veggies. My hair stylist is on on a medically supervised diet, and except for the eggs & bacon, her routine is very similar. You seem to have this down, I hope it works for me too! Years ago they also didn't have the Atkins snacks and low carb foods they have now - like Breyers Ice Cream! Thanks also for the tip about the website to order low carb items, I'll check it out!
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Registered: ‎09-27-2011

Re: Has anyone done the Atkins diet?

On 10/4/2014 str8talk said:

I did atkins years ago. I got very sick. I was eating bacon, mayo, cheese. Liver enzymes, cholesterol, and triglycerides when sky high. Almost hospitalized.

Now I eat alot of greens and healthy shakes and lose weight the healthy way

You were probably following the plan that I was years ago. As I understand it, your carb allowance for the day (20) is supposed to be made up primarily of veggies (12-15), and not so protein heavy as the days of old. Glad you've found something that works for you!
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Registered: ‎09-27-2011

Re: Has anyone done the Atkins diet?

On 10/4/2014 CrowHaven said:

Just another perspective...

As a teen I used the Atkins diet to lose a few pounds, found it very easy, and then maintained that extra thinness for years. I felt no bad side effects and it was great to control hunger and cravings for sweets. Years later I began to eat the typical average diet with more carbs and gained weight...still my health was fine though. Forward many more years and then rather suddenly in my early 50's I became seriously diabetic with the damage from it giving me cataracts in both eyes (got surgery) and extreme nerve pain in my feet/legs. I found out only then that there was a genetic history in my family relatives of diabetes even though neither of my parents had it and I hadn't shown any predisposition to it before. My first blood sugar tested out to 395 and first A1C test was over 14.

I had to look at my diet, I had to educate myself fast on how to regain my health. I chose again to look at Atkins and other similar diets and decided to go back to that way of eating -- very strict for the first 6 months or so -- and this brought my blood sugar down gradually and I went on once daily insulin shots (Lantus) of 10 units. At the same time I lost all excess weight (30 pounds) and my blood pressure and all other blood panels improved dramatically. I maintained and further improved over the next year, even getting all the nerve pain to disappear in my feet and everywhere else it happened with the help of alpha-lipoic acid tablets. It was such a relief!

Today, a few years later, my blood sugar and all blood tests are perfect...and I no longer even need any insulin shots or diabetic medications of any type. All this change was due only to the change in my diet. I eat low-carb (those coming from veggies and some fruits), no starchy veg., no wheat, no sugar, no pastas or bread. Meats in small quantities, Greek yogurt, eggs and some cheese are okay. I never increased my exercise, I just get exercise in my everyday activities. Diet change is what saved my life, and that is certainly motivation enough for me to continue this way. I do not take any medications for anything and want to try and avoid them as long as possible.

Everyone is different. Genetics does play a role in what happens with your health...even young teens have been found to have the clogged arteries more often expected in older people. You can change your health, though, with diet...find what works for you.

Wow, that's impressive! I've been dealing with some other health issues for a long time, I do hope that weight loss will help in other areas as well. Thank you!
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Has anyone done the Atkins diet?

I wish people would realize that with the Atkins diet you're essentially making yourself sick and then going into a state of ketosis to lose weight.

Not to mention, "Dr. Atkin" died from heart disease begotten by his beloved diet.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,241
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Has anyone done the Atkins diet?

I called it the Atkins diet but I modified it by not eating the fat. I just cut the carbs. It worked until I got bored and the weight came back.

I think I have the hang of it now... dieting I mean. I finally decided enough of the meds. I am or was borderline just about everything, diabetic, blood pressure, cholesterol... you name it.

I finally did the right thing for me. 1. cut the food portion down 2. used a journal 3. cut my calories per day to 1000 (I am only 5 feet tall) 4. cut most carbs 5. mostly cut out sugars except in fruit choices 6. added more vegetables and 7. surprise --- not even artificial sugars of any kind... sweet taste is sweet taste and it was adding to my addiction for dessert and the sweet stuff.

The weight has come under my set point by 10 pounds and I have lost 15 pounds so far.

I do dance every evening so exercise is not really the issue... YET. I plan to start other activities that will tone me as the weight comes off.

I also want to suggest the app.... myfitnesspal dot com.....

I am botography... please friend me.

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Re: Has anyone done the Atkins diet?

THANK YOU to everyone who concurs that EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT! Atkins himself spoke of changes in HIS thoughts on ketosis before he died, and described "benign" ketosis as what he advocated and "pathological" ketosis as what happens in a diabetic state. Also, Atkins died after falling and hitting his head, but his arteries may have been a mess too. I don't recalling whether that was mentioned at the time of his death or not. When I was younger I was unable to live within the rigors of his original ideas, and now I eat relatively low fat, but do eat avacado, nuts, and olive oil. Lots of healthy veggies and some low carb fruits. My basic protein source is egg/egg white, with chicken/fish/red meat/pork every once in a while. MyFitnessPal is my friend. Very happy AND HEALTHIER, to be almost 90 pounds down