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@Love my grandkids wrote:

Good! I got mine 2 weeks ago. I'm 70 and haven't had the flu since I was a teenager.


And you cannot get the flu from the shot! I don't know why people think this! If you get sick after the shot, you were exposed to it previously. Ask any medical professional.


I usually have a little bit of a sore arm for a day afterward but it's no big deal.

@Love my grandkids- A person can experience a adverse reaction to the shot that can mimic some of the flu like symptoms. 

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I do get slight flu type symptoms. The reason I know this the first time it happened it was in the evening and I was watching tv when my legs starting aching, I  thought what the heck then I remembered I had a flue shot that morning. Not to mention my upper arm swells up the size of a grapefruit and is hot as fire for two weeks. This happens every time.

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Did you tell your Doctor about this?


My arm swelled like that and they advised me not to get one.  As a matter of fact, the Pharmacist at Publix refused to give it to me.  Told me to see my PCP about one.  She said "no."

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@Love my grandkids wrote:

@Carmie I beg to differ with your statement about last year's vaccine not helping anyone!


It helped me and every member of my extended family. And I have a ton of friends who got the shot and did NOT get the flu.


Sorry but you are mistaken. It didn't help everyone, true, but it DID help a lot of people.

Last years flu vaccine missed the mark in effectiveness.  There are many strains of the flu.  The vaccine given last year was for a different strain than what was going around.  It was only 35-40% effective.  That is not a good figure, many people got sick and many died.


How do you know it helped you?  Just because you got the vaccine and didn't get the flu is no indication that it worked.  


I have never had the flu in my lifetime and I have never had the flu vaccine.  My children and DH also never had the flu or the vaccine either.  We probably either have a great immune system or have not been exposed to the virus.


I just hope this year's vaccine is more effective.  many people got the flu last year and even died from it, even though they had the vaccine.  I don't wish for a repeat of last year.


Even one life lost is too many.

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@NickNack wrote:

I had planned on getting one yesterday at the Kroger pharmacy when I did my grocery shopping.  As I was walking in the door I realized that I had worn a shirt that I couldn't roll the sleeves up high enough for the shot.  I'll get it next week.

A couple years ago, I was at Acme (supermarket) and standing at the pharmacy counter was a middle-aged man and his wife.  The man had his shirt off!  I had no idea why, and I didn't stay and watch what happened, but maybe he was getting a flu shot.

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@Sweet_Serenity wrote:

Last week got mine...Publix giving 10.00 gift covered the shot. 

End of the month booster Shingle vaccine...back ordered do to running out.

I've never gotten a flu shot but if someone offered me $10, I'd probably do it!  I guess the Publix offer tells you there's money to be made in insurance reimbursements...

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Re: Got my flu shot today

[ Edited ]

@ValuSkr wrote:

@Sweet_Serenity wrote:

Last week got mine...Publix giving 10.00 gift covered the shot. 

End of the month booster Shingle vaccine...back ordered do to running out.

I've never gotten a flu shot but if someone offered me $10, I'd probably do it!  I guess the Publix offer tells you there's money to be made in insurance reimbursements...

Maybe so, but Publix is a customer oriented store.  They have many medications for free and another group for $7.50 for a 90 day supply.  No insurance necessary.  They really serve their customers.

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@Love my grandkids wrote:

@Carmie I beg to differ with your statement about last year's vaccine not helping anyone!


It helped me and every member of my extended family. And I have a ton of friends who got the shot and did NOT get the flu.


Sorry but you are mistaken. It didn't help everyone, true, but it DID help a lot of people.


But we wouldn’t know if they DIDN’T get the vaccine,

they still might not get the flu.  

Maybe it was an unnecessary vaccination.


In fact, many of us probably know one, if not several, people

who DID get the vaccination AND got some variation of the flu.


Is that “Correlation does not imply Causation?’

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We will be seeing our PCP Friday and will ask him if we should get it now.  In the past he has told us to hold off until mid or latter October, so it carries us thru.  He keeps current on CDC recs and whether the flu season is starting earlier then the norm.


Last year I got ill prior to Christmas. At first I didn't think my illness was the flu, but within a week after I went to the ER, the number of people with same symptoms exploded.  My PCP concluded it was a different version  which the vaccine didn't cover.

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@Carmie wrote:

I hope this year's vaccine is effective. Last years's version was not even close to helping anyone.


Let's pray for a good year this time around.

Actually, last year's vaccine kept me well, and I was exposed to numerous people who had the flu, including my husband who was hospitalized for two weeks.