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Secret? I think it has a lot to do with their trips from youth on up to their 90's. What they did with, and to their minds and their bodies. Of course genetics can be a good part of if, but for sure not the only reason.


Will have to wait close to 8 years to know for sure. 1 thing I know it is not. That would be my genetics. Nobody on either side of my family made it past their early 70's, and many of their last years, I wouldn't care to live.


Will stick with my current plans and see where I end up.   




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I agree!  I'm ahead of you and I take 1 prescribed med and no pain or pain meds!  


Maybe genetics?  I am not overweight and not a sweets eater.  Probably helps!  


Good Luck, John and hope Cindy hangs in there with you!  Enjoy you here on the boards.  Would like to have known you in person! 

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@Shelbelle wrote:

To quote Bette Davis

 Getting old aint for sissies !!!

My Dad used to say that too.  After about 10 operations, he said..."They say these are your "golden" years but I say, "It's fools gold"!! 


No matter what, he did keep his sense of humor, and I admired that. 

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I'm 85 and still going strong.  I started exercising 62 years ago and still do, and the Dr. feels this is what has helped me to age gracefully and strong.

The problem I have is I have gotten shorter.  From 5'6" to 5'4", so I have problems reaching up to change light bulbs and top shelves.

I don't have health problems, so I'm OK.  I still do all my own work around the house and yard.  I do my treadmill, bike, weights, zumba, yoga stretch.  I feel lucky.  Old age beats the alternative.  My mind is still active, because I use the computer and learn new things.  I do not have time to sit and watch TV, except at night when i relax, but nothing worth watching there, except some good things on PBS.

So far, so good.  Why worry about tomorrow, it made not come.  Stay positive if you can.  Sometime its hard, but do the best you can.



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If I could give you 10 hearts, I would!  You are blessed!


Right there with you!  I've slowed down a bit but still doing everything I want to do!  Love my computer and tablets and use them daily (not just email and FB).


Stay safe and healthy!

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 Not at all. I never thought I'd rapidly start to look older after sixty, and continue to to look much older after 65. I also never thought I'd feel so much older or see so many friends in their sixties, that had good health in their late fifties, with serious health issues. 

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Re: Getting Old (Aging)

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I think genetics play a large part. My 90 year old mother-in-law lives with us. The only medical she takes is for incontinence. She sits in a wheelchair all day, reading and watching tv. She doesn’t require the wheelchair, she fell A couple of years ago and my husband got it for her. PT came to our house but she refused to do the exercises. She would rather sit in a chair and be waited on. She has not left this house in over a year and a half. Doesn’t want to make the effort required for any kind of outdoor outing. She is not depressed in case you’re wondering. I don’t know how she doesn’t die from boredom lol.
Personally, I exercise and take care of myself and have no interest in leading a sedentary lazy life.
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@ECBG wrote:

I rarely if ever thought of getting old.  I was maturing and watching our sons grow into healthy young men, enjoying our family and my career.

Now, I have more to love!

@ECBG I was a late in life kid, raised around old people.  My cousins were the age of most people's parents.  I had three cousins I didn't see much about my age, but mostly I was raised as an adult with adults. Old is all I've ever known!  LOL!!!!

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Re: Getting Old (Aging)

[ Edited ]



Huh?    This thread is almost a year old.