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Gained 6lbs since March (corona lockdown)

Ive been excercising and feel like I've been eating good. I guess I need to track.  I'm doing something wrong.

Just frustrated.

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Re: Gained 6lbs since March (corona lockdown)

  • I hear you.  I exercise but can't seem to drop any weight.  Been hard.
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Re: Gained 6lbs since March (corona lockdown)

My husband swears by the app Lose It. I have used it but at some point I gave up. I won't even get on the scale. I did at least start walking outside this week. In the heat and humidity it's a killer but I prefer to walk outside rather than a treadmill. 

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Re: Gained 6lbs since March (corona lockdown)

I keep dropping pounds.  I think it's the stress.  That's how my body reacts.  

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Re: Gained 6lbs since March (corona lockdown)

[ Edited ]

It’s really really hard. I have posted several times that I am a gym regular doing spin class and a lot of the high impact classes. I also run regularly. At 65, I have been doing this all my adult life, so I’m not a weight gainer.  Then the virus hits...gym shuts down and I missed my classes. Yes they offered online but I’m one of those folks who needs the motivation from actually going out to the gym. I’m horrible at doing stuff at home...except running and Lord knows it’s been in the high 90s with humidity at 90% and it’s like running through mud in the air.  So I have picked up three nasty pounds and I hear ya loud and clear.  Gym is open, with limited class attendance but I’m too scared to go regularly again. Gives me the heebi jeebies with folks sweating and breathing hard without a mask.  I tried a few classes with the mask and it was just too much for me. I needed air!



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Re: Gained 6lbs since March (corona lockdown)

Only 6..... you're a slacker.

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Re: Gained 6lbs since March (corona lockdown)

I can gain 10 in a weekend!  

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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Re: Gained 6lbs since March (corona lockdown)

You are not alone!

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Re: Gained 6lbs since March (corona lockdown)

@Roscoe the Rascal wrote:
I hear you.  I exercise but can't seem to drop any weight.  Been hard.




@Roscoe the Rascal 


Mentioned in 1 of my posts, in a different thread, about this. If a person has no underlying health issues, what and how much one eats, is a better way to control and/or maintain weight, than exercising.


Most Exercise Physiologists agree that 3500 calories equals 1lb of fat. Do the math after looking up how many calories, on average, are burned even running for 1 hour. Than figure how many hours one would have to run to lose that 1lb of fat.


I was a runner for over 5 decades. Full Marathons/half marathons/10k/5k/2 mile, and 1 mile competitive Road Races. Also a hockey player for decades and a hockey ref for 30+years.


I understand the relationship between food and exercising when it comes to ones weight. I am talking Body Composition Weight separating muscle weight and body fat weight. And fluid retained is also a BIG factor.




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Re: Gained 6lbs since March (corona lockdown)

Early on in the pandemic I heard that obesity was a scientifically observed risk factor, and in my personal effort to keep myself as safe/well as possible I decided to knock off a few more pounds. 

My total loss is now 100+ and my habits have been pretty much the same as before, but I'm sleeping more and better. 

Hope everyone is doing some good deed for THEMSELVES, EVERY DAY, and then extending their personal "good deed" to someone else whom you love.


There was an interesting article posted online a couple days ago about releasing stress during the pandemic, with 10 specific suggestions for doing that. Suggestion #1 was (paraphrased) to address your spiritual side. Whether through prayer, meditation, guided imagery WHATEVER. DH and I spend part of every day, no matter what else we do, in reflection and remembrance. It helps.