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Posts: 302
Registered: ‎06-24-2014


When feeling the symptons of anxiety, get up and do some form of exercise, no matter what type. This has been proven to make it subside. Don't stop until the symptoms abate. Do this often enough, and you will find the attacks begin to disintegrate, until one day they no longer become severe, frequent or are even a bother.

The body/brain can not create a panic/anxiety attack and perform an exercise at the same time. It's not possible. The exercise will always overpower the attack. THIS WAS PROVEN BACK IN THE 80's AND IS STILL A PREFERRED TREATMENT TODAY.

If you tell me you tried it and it didn't work, I will tell you that you didn't do it right, or long enough. THIS NEVER FAILS. Millions of people have solved their problems with this method. But be assured that you must also seek help as to the root cause of your attacks as well.

See a doctor, psychologist, counselor, or all of those. Remove the cause to permanently remove the problem. But the exercise activity can stop the symptoms, and can stop the attacks eventually. But you are having problems and must address them.

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Posts: 10,787
Registered: ‎03-09-2010


It seems clear that the current med isn't working as well for you. Talk to your dr. I take a drug in addition to my antidepressant that is for anxiety and it literally saved me - and it's not addictive. I take it about an hour before bed and it also helps me sleep. There is hope but you have to take charge and be firm with your doctor since the status quo isn't working.

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Registered: ‎08-09-2012


On 4/22/2013 ChillyTulip said:
On 4/22/2013 Rachelle said:

As the commercial says: Cymbalta is not for everyone. I would get a second opinion. These doctors today are too quick to pass out the pills without even knowing what they are all about. All they know is a pharmaceutical person comes in, passes out samples and tells the doctor "push these and you can get a fantastic trip the end of the year"

I am sorry you are having such a hard time, but I am finding the old saying of "physicians heal thyself", has now become the patients motto,,, We have to take out health into our own hands , we know our bodies, they don't,,,,,,,

I wish you well....

Last edited on 4/22/2013

Get with the times. Many docs don't even see reps anymore and when they do it is now illegal to accept a pen from the rep, let alone a trip. And there wouldn't be all of these doctors "passing out these pills" if patients didn't want a pill to cure their every self-perceived ailment. People want a pill for everything. As far as a doctor who would precribe a pill without "knowing what they are all about" . . . . that is insulting to say the least and I won't even dignify it with a response.

I'm really sorry to burst your bubble about that.. they do it and more often than you would want to think. My son went to an internal medicine doctor for stomach problems. This doctor is in a practice that is part of a major university & medical care system, oneof the ten best in the country. He first told him he thought he had pancreatitis, or it could be gall bladder, or it could be gastritis, or it could be something wrong with his liver. He did blood work after scaring my son out of his wits, then sent him for a gall bladder test.

He went back to see the doctor and his verdict was probably gastritis. He gave him nothing to help it heal, nothing for pain, recommended no OTC drugs. My son asked him about pain meds, and he said he could take Tylenol or ASPIRIN! My son asked him if he could take BC, and he said yes, that was fine. One BC powder is equal to almost 3 regular aspirin! It blew my mind when my son told me this - I'm certainly not a doctor but I know that you shouldn't take aspirin if you have gastritis -- aspirin can cause it and it could cause bleeding in the stomach! And to tell him it was fine to take the equivalent of 3 aspirin at one time in powder form? OMG!{#emotions_dlg.sneaky}

I had an appointment with my own doctor a few days later and told her about this - I wish I had been able to take a picture of the look on her face! She said, really, he did? I told her it blew me away, and she said since doctors don't normally prescribe BC, he probably didn't even know what was in it!

I rely much more on pharmacists to know all the details about drugs than I do any doctors, even my own, whom I trust very much.

Super Contributor
Posts: 940
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Cymbalta made a family member of mine feel extremely jittery and nervous. Your doctor needs to help you with the anxiety component. Good luck and good health.

Super Contributor
Posts: 431
Registered: ‎07-19-2013


General Practitioners should prescribe psych meds only as a temporary stop gap until you can get to a psychiatrist. There's just so much variation in the side effects/side benefits that they don't know. Please go to see a psychiatrist, who can help get your meds adjusted properly.

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 94
Registered: ‎08-30-2010


I tried Cymbalta. While I took it, I had two feelings - apathy & rage. When I told my Dr., he switched me to Pristique. When he could no longer get free samples for me, switched me to Venlafaxine ER. I think that's the generic name. Has worked really well for me.
Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,585
Registered: ‎03-11-2010


I have recently started taking Cymbalta for depression. I have no anxiety as a side effect. My best friend has been suffering from depression and severe anxiety for some time and has tried a number of meds. She was on Xanax for a while but I believe that her Dr. has switched her to Lexapro for her anxiety. Last news was that it was helping her with the anxiety. I hope that you will find something that works for you. There are so many meds available. The problem is that Dr.'s are not able to decide which meds will help which patients because they work very differently for different people.

Wishing you good luck in finding a med that will help you out and help you get through this difficult period.

“Do not think only of your own joy, but vow to save all beings from suffering.”
Dalai Lama