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Re: For those who MEDITATE...

@Moonchilde wrote:

They lose me with having to sit a certain way (which I physically cannot do) and the breathing techniques. I would like to meditate, but that isn't going to work for me.


What has relaxed me and calmed me in the past is guided imagery and subliminal suggestion, which to me is a kind of combination of meditation and hypnosis.

I can no longer sit cross-legged on the floor and sit in a chair instead.  I would not describe myself as spiritual at all but meditate for approximately 10 minutes a day or whenever I feel overwhelmed.  I use a mantra which seems to help my mind quiet down.

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Re: For those who MEDITATE...



Thanks for this great thread, lola!

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Re: For those who MEDITATE...

I recently started using an app called Calm. The first week is free and then there is a nominal charge. It has helped me sleep more through the night without waking up so much. There are different programs and length of programs to choose. A large part of the meditation is about the breath and refocusing your mind when it drifts (which it will). 

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Re: For those who MEDITATE...

I've been meditating and following the Buddhist philosophy for years.  When I read about Buddhism years ago I realized I had been following Buddhist concepts all my life without knowing it!

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Re: For those who MEDITATE...


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Re: For those who MEDITATE...

A Guide to Your Chakras for Health and Enlightenment [Infographic]:

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Re: For those who MEDITATE...

@Snowpuppy wrote:

While I consider myself a spiritual person, just can't  meditate. Prayer, yes....meditation, not so much.


My mind goes onto the next practical thing like bills to pay or laundry to do. 


I admire those who are able to reach such a state.

      I have the same problem. I too have been very interested in it but I seem to be uable to do it .  I would love to be able to as I have heard it is very helpful. 

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Re: For those who MEDITATE...

[ Edited ]

@Bird mama that is a form of meditation! It's called trance dance. Gabrielle Roth has a series of videos called "The Wave" dedicated to trance dance. (See Youtube). I also have Shiva Rea's Trance Dance DVD and CD, and her other music CDs.


This is a great thread.  I meditate regularly, either on my own as one poster mentioned, just sitting and listening to the sounds of nature, to Youtube videoso and soundtracks, sitting on the beach watching and listening to the waves.


For people who don't like to sit still, there is moving meditation.  Lee Holden has wonderful Qigong videos that are user friendly, feel good, gentle meditative routines.


Here is one of my favorites from Youtube: The Forest

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Re: For those who MEDITATE...


Wow, I never knew that what I did had a name other than "Bernie is nutting out in her family room again".


I feel better now :-)

There are times when you must speak, not because you are going to change the opposing side, but because if you do not speak, they have changed you.
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Re: For those who MEDITATE...

Shower Meditation, This really works well, I sit down and picture myself sitting in the rain of warm water. TRY IT !!!: